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 While Petina, Carousel and I were looking forward to the future and our trip to Ft. Trotterdale in my Equestria dreamscape, but in Canterlot another pony was looking back to their past. 

  Half-cock, Squall, and Long Shot relaxed and soaked up the cool breezes that blew down from the mountains above Canterlot. They'd spent the last few days traveling back from the western borders of the kingdom. The train had made the journey much faster. However it had lacked air conditioning. It had been particularly hot as they came up the valley and passed through Ponyville. Heat Opening the windows only succeeded in moving the air around passenger compartments. It had done little to reduce the temperature inside the car. 

  Now they sat on divans under the shade of a veranda and looked out over on of the private palace gardens, and enjoyed chilled bowls of vanilla ice cream with fresh sliced strawberries on top. large glasses of iced tea helped quench parch pony throats. Although Squall did spike her's with a shot of rye from her personal flask. Joining them for refreshments was Princess Celestia. The pale alicorn was taking this moment to entertain and receive their final report concerning their last mission.  Yer in trouble! 

  "Thank you once again ladies for your efforts." Celestia said this while refilling everpony's glasses with more iced tea. "You've helped defuse a tense situation for the moment. Although we're still left trying to determine who's real culprit Ambush behind all of this, but we've got other ponies working on that."  

  Half-cock stirred a spoonful of sugar into her iced tea and then took another long sip before speaking. "So yer Highness. What do ya think is gonna ta happen ta that drake we a captured?"

  The Co-Ruler of Equestria looked up from scooping herself another bowl of ice cream. "Oh, I know what's happened to drake named Growler. After receiving a formal apology from the Council of Dragons, and paying a sizable fine to the Gold Feather clan he was released into Bent Horn's custody." 

  Squall scowled. "That damn drake is getting off easy if ya ask me!" The violet pegasus ruffled her feather. "He's lucky ta still have all his scales!" 

  Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Oh I don't know Squall. I said he's been released in Bent Horn's custody. You've never met the Head of the Council of Dragons. I can assure you that Bent Horn will make her displeasure known to Growler. If Luna and I had wanted to we could've used his trespassing into the griffin lands as justification for enacting article 72 of the recent armistice between our nations. Diplomatic Differences That would've denied the dragons passage through Equestria for their migration. I'm quite sure Bent Horn will express her displeasure with Growler in exquisite detail. If he's fortunate he might even survive the ordeal." 

  Celestia paused to enjoy a spoonful of ice cream before continuing. "However you 3 don't need worry about that now. I have another mission for you. This is going to be different for you 3 since you've only done undercover work a few times." 

  Half-cock's Busen burner blue eyes peered intently from the shadows of her wide brim hat. "This is highly unusual yer Highness. We're normally not the best fit fer that kind work. What are ya having us do?" 

  Long Shot spoke up as well. "Yes. I find this odd as well your Highness." 

  Celestia smiled and looked at the pinto earth pony. "There's a myriad of reasons why I've chosen you 3 for this next operation. First it will be taking place on the western fringes of Equestria. You 3 are intimate with the area and communities there. Second, while this is an undercover operation there is a possibility that it could become violent very quickly. The 3 of you have repeatedly shown yourselves as being able to deal with that." 

  The princess looked back at Half-cock. "Finally your upbringing dear means you should be able to blend in and guide your team so then don't stand out. That's why I'm choosing you Half-cock, or under the circumstances should I say Black Rose?"

  The unicorn suddenly tensed up. "Yer Highness. Ya know I've haven't gone by that name in years!"

  "Yes dear but it's your experience from when you went by that name that I need now. That and the knowledge your mother taught you will be needed to make this operation a success." 

  Celestia levitated 3 folders over to the mares. "The suspect in question is one Lit Fuse. They are the owner Crystal Springs Hotel and Casino which is located in the mountain community of Crystal Springs. It's the center of the nightlife in the mining town. There's the casino, a restaurant, and a theater with musicians, dancers and other types of entertainers."

  She paused to enjoy some more ice cream before continuing. "Of course Crystal Springs Hotel also has private entertainers who are available for hire by guests of the hotel. That is totally legal and is licensed by the Crown." 

  "However we believe there's something else going on at the Crystal Springs Hotel that's not legal. We have reason to believe that Lit Fuse and his senior staff are running an illegal arms trading operation out of the hotel. In particular to some of the outlaw griffin clans in the area. Under our treaties with various griffin nations we're obligated to prevent the sale or transfer of arms to these groups. I want you 3 to infiltrate and find out if that's true. We've got some good leads and tips, but I want further proof before I send in a force to serve a warrant." 

  Squall looked over at Half-cock and smiled. "So what exactly did yer mom do when ya were young?"

  The unicorn gave the pegasus the stink eye. After several seconds she replied. "She was a private entertainer."

  "Ya mean she was a hooker?" 

  Half-cock jaw muscles tightened for a moment but then she nodded her head. "Yes she was. It's why I'm here. She fergot her treatment one time and, well. The rest is history. She liked the work. Tried ta groom me ta fer the job when I got older but it wasn't my thing. It ended up being something of a sore spot between us til she passed away." 

  The unicorn looked at her teammates then back at the princess. "Yer highness. Ya realize we're gonna have ta git these 2 up ta snuff if this is gonna work!  Neither would be my first choice fer this job." 

  Half-cock glance back at Squall. "Especially her. She's housebroken and she knows ta wipe her hooves before coming inside, but that's about where grace and manners end with her." 

  "Huy! Thitz nut tru!" The pegasus said with her mouth full of ice cream. 

  The unicorn looked back at alicorn. "Yer Highness I rest my case." 

  Celestia chuckled. "Understood dear. Of course I will assign some of my regular Mares-in-Waiting to assist in instructing them. Also I know some private entertainers in the Canterlot area who have worked discreetly with the palace on occasion. They'll be able aid in you in this endeavor." 

  Half-cock took a deep breathe and let it out slowly. "Okay. Can ya arrange fer them ta be here tomorrow so we kin git this rodeo started?" 

  Early next morning Squall and Long Shot arrived at Celestia's office at the agreed time. Neither of the mares had seen their teammate since yesterday afternoon. Celestia's head secretary True Note escorted them into the alicorn's office. As usual the alicorn was at her desk reviewing some paperwork. She looked up and smiled as the two mares approached her desk and went to attention.

  "Ladies good morning!  Your other teammate will be here in a minute or so. Can I get you any coffee or tea?" 

  The two mares were settling into their cups when doors to the office opened. A light sand-colored unicorn mare with a black mane came walking in with a slow, even stride. She wore a dress of black satin with long matching satin hoof gloves. A row of gold buttons kept the gloves snug to the legs. The dress was trimmed with tassels of shimmering blue satin cords. Perched on her head was an extravagant, wide brim, black silk hat cocked to one side. Two large plumes one black the other blue finished the hat. A black choker with a black rose pendant completed her ensemble.

  The unicorn walked up to Celestia's desk and slowly bowed to the princess. After several seconds she spoke with a smooth refined voice that still had bit of twang to it. "Good morning yer  Highness. I hope yer all doing fine today? I'm ready ta start training these two fine mares fer ya." 

  It took a couple seconds for Long Shot and Squall to realize this was their teammate. "Half-cock is that ya?" Squall asked incredulously.

  The unicorn smiled and looked over at pegasus. "Oh my! I do believe ya all have mistaken me fer another pony. My name is Black Rose. It is a pleasure ta meet ya!" She extended her right front leg as she said this. 

  With stunned expression Squall shook her hoof. "Okay. This is just weird." 

  Through all this Celestia sat their silently with a mischievous grin   

   "Thank you for coming Black Rose, and yes let's starts immediately. I assume we should take some measurements for these two mares and get them to the palace salon for their initial treatments?"

  Half-cock/Black Rose slowly circled her two teammates a few times before speaking. "Oh my yes! We cannot proceed with their proper instruction until then." 

  "Okay! I'm creeped out!" Squall was looking slightly horrified. "Is that really ya Half-cock?"

  For an instant gunslinger's regular mannerism came back. "Yeah it's me ya mangey pigeon, but if we're gonna make this work yer gonna have ta do exactly what I say. Or else this gonna end badly. Ya got that?"  

  Long Shot through all this had been quiet through all this. but there was slight look of dread in her eyes. Still she nodded her head. "We're just gonna have to trust ya on this one." 

  "Excellent!" Exclaimed Celestia as she rang a bell on her desk. A side door opened and a small army of mares emerged and converged on Squall and Long Shot. 

   To be continued.   




Damn. You got to be pretty damn loyal if you are willing to put on shoes from your past you really don't want to put on. Being trained from childhood to be a prostitute? I think I can understand why she would never do this under any other circumstances. Though I have no doubt there is a lot more baggage then that: after all, all the Mares-in-Waiting (at least the scale barers) have horrible events in their backstories.


Half-cock's backstory isn't quite as grim as many Scale-Bearers but it wasn't fun by any stretch of the imagination.


I think "grim" is an understatement from all of the stories I am aware of.


They better hope that this "training" restricts itself to attire, etiquette, and mannerism. Teaching them the, uh..."skills" of a courtesan could get...awkward...for all involved.


It only now occurs to me that Deputy Purple Sage was in for a much better night than we all might have realized...


"Oh My" ! "Private Entertainers"..snerk! This will be interesting. to say the least, and I agree that Purple Sage must had a Very Interesting, and , shall we say, Educational evening? Half Cock/Black Rose is turning out to be a real piece of work. And She really has got her work cut out for her to "file off the rough edges' of Squall and Long Shot. Also, what will she come up with as "cover names" for the girls???? Is this going to follow the "running guns to the Indians" [in this case, the wild griffins] trope? Always a good opening gambit, though it has the possibility of going wildly "off the rails". And where is Chrissy going to figure into this? She has to be in there somewhere. Just has to. She would not miss this possibility of injecting more confusion into the life of Equestria, especially since she has plans for a certain "Royal Wedding", which is still in the offing in this part of your dreamscape. I think "fun" is goung to ensue, for a certain definition of "FUN". 'Axe May I should say "Daffynition"?


BTW, You should , when this comes up over on DA, post a side by side , two shot of Half Cock and Black Rose, just to expand on the differences. There's "Ain't No Way" anyone is going to believe they are the samy Pony!!! 'Axe