Burst of fire (Patreon)
The marauder stepped out of the building and walked over to where her leader was looking over a tattered pre-war map. A couple of hours ago their band had finally stormed and taken a control of a derelict remains of a 3 story brownstone apartment building. For the last day they'd been laying siege to a small community of wastelanders who'd taken refuge in the ruins of this town. They'd been traveling to the next trade fair when been they'd attacked by the marauders.
For some reason that was inscrutable to most of the marauders their leader hadn't just killed the wastelanders outright. Instead they were now stuck with foal-sitting a bunch hostages. Their leader had spoken that several of the hostages had connections to supposedly affluent families and that they could be ransomed for a big old pile of caps. However most of the marauders felt that was a really big risk for a very sketchy reward.
The middle aged earth pony mare looked up from the map as the unicorn came sauntering up. The earth pony reached into a vest pocket and retrieved a pack of cigarettes. She tossed them to the unicorn. The scruffy, violet mare caught the pack and fished out one. Her horn flared and the tip of the hand-rolled cigarette lit up. With that accomplished she tossed the pack to her leader. The she took a long draw and then slowly blew the smoke out her nostrils. After a second she spoke with a raspy voice.
"We a moved the hostages down ta the cellar like ya said. A couple of them ain't gonna make it ta morning unless they get a doctor. So now what?"
The earth pony lit herself a cigarette and looked at the unicorn with her one remaining eye.
"Call the rest of the gang over here Travesty. We're gonna move out at sundown. We'll be a taking only the hostages that are worth it. We'll waste the rest. None of them are badly injured, so they'll able to move."
The unicorn made a sharp whistling sound. Over the next minute or so the other 7 members of the gang gather around their boss who had carefully laid out on the remains of the asphalt street. She was starting spell their next move when suddenly 2, apple-sized, dark green, metal spheres landed on the map with a dull thud.
Everypony froze for a fraction of a second. Then there was frantic scramble as the marauders dove for cover. The grenades exploded filling the air with smoke, flying shrapnel, and fire. 4 of them fell to the ground screaming from their wounds.
Leader and Travesty had dove behind the burnt out remains of a long abandoned vehicles. Drawing their pistols they started searching for the source of their attacker or attackers. The other remaining member of their gang was frantically scanning the other ruined buildings. Suddenly there was a fast series of gunshots. The marauder's body twitched and the submachine gun fell from their hands.
From above the 2 remaining marauders heard a growing whistling sound. From the ruins of the 4 story building across the street there came gliding with the sun behind them was a orange, winged figure with purple mane and tail. As the figure came swooping down they laid down a series of rapid shots from a semiautomatic pistols they held with both hands. Landing the figure sprinted to cover. Once in place they reloaded. Scootaloo scanned from her cover. 5 of the marauders were down. Time to take out the other 2 out and rescue the hostages.
Another in my series of anthro Fallout Equestria drawings as patron rewards for Skyline. The story just popped into my head as I was doing the drawing.