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Note. To the best of my knowledge this is not based on  any existing Fallout Equestria storyline, nor does it follow any  particular plot in Fallout 4. This is just the narrative that popped  into my head as I worked on this piece. 

       Stone Mane scrambled under the burned out remains of the long abandoned bus. With some form of concealment from his enemy he dropped the now empty magazine from his Wasteland manufactured assault rifle. Lying on his back he started rummaging around in his prewar web gear for a loaded one. 

       The stallion had found another magazine and had just rocked it into place when he heard the sound of his gigantic foe running toward his location. Suddenly a massive pair of canine paws/feet came into view. They stopped in front of him. The earth pony froze as his opponent began sniffing the air attentively. From under the bus he watched as paws began slowly pacing around the area. Searching for him. 

       This seemed to go on forever as the War Hound continued its search in an ever widening pattern; just when he thought the beast had given up the chase the paws returned to in front of him. Suddenly two great, clawed hands/paws reached down grabbed the bottom edge of the bus. In one quick, violent motion the multi-ton bus carcass was flipped away revealing the young stallion to the bright afternoon sun. 

      The moment Stone Mane had seen the hands grab the bus he'd flipped the selector on his rifle from semi-automatic to full-auto. Bringing muzzle of his rifle up he centered it on the upper torso the giant canine and squeezed the trigger. The War Hound howled in pain and instinctively raised it arms to cover its head as 30 rounds of 7.62x39mm found their mark. Blood erupted from the creature. Then the earth pony's rifle went silent again as the chamber locked open and smoke rose from the barrel. 

      For several seconds nobody moved. Then as the stallion looked on in horror he watched as the War Hound slowly lowered his arms and growled at him. Slobber and blood dripped down on the pony. The 12ft tall canine threw back its head and let loose a horrific howl. Then it lowered its gaze again and reached for the pony. 

      Suddenly there was a series of thunderous roars as the War Hound's skull burst as 12.7x99mm AP rounds found there mark. Bits of skull, fur, skin, teeth, eyeballs, brain matter scattered in a wide swath. Stone Mane scrambled out the way as the body of the mutated Diamond Dog fell forward with a sickening thud.  The stallion dove in through the doorway of the long abandoned fire station that he'd been running toward when he'd been forced to take cover under the bus. Finding his last fully loaded magazine frantically reloaded as he took cover behind a buckshot whittled office desk. Panting he pointed the muzzle at the doorway and waited to see if his savior would show themselves.  Crows had already arrived and were beginning to peck at corpse.

     After a few minutes he heard the sound of hoofsteps crunching on the ruined asphalt. Still out view they stopped. The stallion flinched when there was sudden burst of submachine gun fire that made a couple of crows explode like black party favors and sent the rest of them cawing in fear as they flew off.  Then a familiar voice spoke up. 

     "Stone Mane! Ya all right?"

     Running out the door Stone Mane found Applebloom waiting for him.  The mare had a semi-automatic anti-material rifle slung over her shoulders, and 9x19mm PDW in her right hand. Stuck between her teeth was a stalk of grass. She scowled at him for second, but then a smile slowly crept across her face. 

     "Now dear. What I tell ya about going out around here. Remember ta bring enuf gun ta the fight!"  

     Then she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss.




Okay now ya'all I LIKE this AppleBloom! YeeHaw!