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Note. To the best of my knowledge this is not based on any existing Fallout Equestria storyline, nor does it follow any particular plot in Fallout 4. This is just the narrative that popped into my head as I worked on this piece. 

       Lyra Heartstrings thew the hand grenade down the stairs as she continued sprinting up them. The spring suspension in her lower prosthetic legs  creaked and flexed as she bounded up the stairs two at a time. She didn't expect to really take out any of the assailants following her up the stairs with the grenade, but she figured it would buy a few more seconds. 

       From the floor she'd just been on she heard sound of hooves begin to pound up stairs and then suddenly stop. 

       "Fuck! Grenade!"

       There was sound of individuals diving for cover followed by thunderous roar and a cloud of dust. The light mint green mare didn't stop to assess the effect of the grenade.  She continued her break neck run up the stairs. As she reached the second floor of the dilapidated brownstone row house the door at far end of the hallway opened and another member of the Black Hoof gang stepped out into the hall. Seeing the unicorn bearing down on them the earth pony began to raise their double-barrel shotgun. 

     Still running at neck breaking speed Lyra raised her 22LR machine pistol and squeezed the trigger. The weapon barked and the earth pony doubled over as more than half a dozen lead slugs slammed into their head and torso almost simultaneously. From behind her she could hear the sound of pursuit again.

    Lyra had entered this house just a few minutes ago on a life or death mission. She knew the Black Hoof gang were notorious for double-crossing anypony who tried to do business with them, but they were the only ones in the area who had access to the pre-war medicine that Sweetie Drops needed if she was going live.

     All that Lyra cared for now was getting out of this building with the vial of medicine in her pants pocket and returning to her wife.  She had brought the agreed number of caps; it was the fucking Black Hoofs who'd broken the deal. 

     She leaped over the body of the fallen gang member as she reached the room they'd just exited.  From behind she heard the sound of more gang members reaching the second floor. As she entered the room she spun around and fired the machine pistol again dumping the remainder of its magazine in one fast burst. Then she slammed the door closed and threw the lock. 

     Frantically dropping the empty magazine from the machine pistol Lyra fished out a fresh 30rd magazine and slammed it into the weapon. One nice thing about the weapon was that it used an easily available cartridge that many communities possessed the capacity to make. That was good because the machine pistol fired at about 1000 rounds a minute which meant it required lots of feeding.

    The locked door would only buy her a few seconds. The unicorn sprinted to the only window in the room that wasn't boarded over. Glancing below she could see the numerous canvas covered stalls and pavilions that had be temporarily erected on the street below for the spring trade fair. Cursing the mare realized that there were no fire escape ladders connected to the room she was in. 

    Behind her she could hear the other gang members cussing and swearing as they started battering down the door. Lyra swallowed and hoped that the idea that had just popped into her head was going to work. Taking a several steps back from the window she started running at it just as the door behind her flew open. The lock having failed from the gangsters onslaught. 

    "Get that damn bitch!" Yelled one of them as she leaped for the window. Pirouetting in mid-air Lyra's horn flared as she threw a force shield in front of her head and torso as she heard the gangsters open fire on her. The force shield would only hold for a fraction of second but that was all she needed.  She felt several projectiles ricochet off or flatten against it.

    The window glass and its frame exploded out onto the street below as the mare went crashing through it. She shoved her machine pistol into the face of nearest gangster and unloaded a dozen rounds into them as she tumbled out of the building. In a fraction of a second Lyra caught a glimpse of her opponent's head exploding in a shower, hair, teeth, eyeballs and strawberry pudding. 

   The light mint-green mare landed on the canvas awning beneath her.  It ripped but still absorbed most of her impact. The rest was taken up by the folding table that collapsed under her weight as she scattered various bolts of rough, homespun cloth off it. Ignoring the curses from the owner of the booth she sprang to hooves and sprinted out into the crowd. Tomorrow she'd feel like hell but at the moment she was running on pure adrenaline. She had to get back to Sweetie. She had to give her the medicine. Nothing else mattered. Her prosthetic legs clicked and clacked as she vanished into the crowd of startled shoppers. 




Ah Lyra saving Sweetie Drops, a nice change from Ms secret agent saving everyone!