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After an eventful day at Pony Island Games of Chance followed by an adventurous evening for some ponies Revelations our second day in Manehattan was a bit more sedate in my Equestria dreamscape. 

      Much of the day was spent visiting numerous stores and shops in the city to purchase various items that we just cannot buy in Ponyville. The rest of the day was spent packing up our purchases and assorted items we'd acquired in Manehattan for shipment back to our cottage. Since most of them were not things we wouldn't need in Ft. Trotterdale. 

     One item that didn't get sent back home was the gigantic Celestia plushie that Petina had won on Pony Island. However it wouldn't fit in anypony's suitcase, chest, or trunk. So as we headed to train station the next day Petina levitated the giant doll along with her. Fortunately our train cabin was big enough for it. 

     So we head off to the next leg of our journey was to Fillydelphia. 

To be continued. 




They all look so....dapper here! Love it


That makes me wonder how long Petina can "carry" that plush around before she tires out from the effort.