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When I'm sick my dreams are either feverish nightmares, or one-shot, standalone things that may or may not fit in any of my current dreamscapes. 

      This is technically from my anthro MLP dreamscape although it has that one-shot special episode quality to it.  The setting was summertime and the students and facility from the School of Friendship took a summer study/retreat to a nearby mountain resort. Starlight particularly enjoyed it because the lake was very popular with kite-surfing ponies. Soon she made sure to keep her afternoon free for it.

      While Trixie Lulamoon might be a fine magician on stage but when it comes to performing tricks on the water Starlight is the master. Although Starlight did admit later that her and Trixie came very close to whacking each other horns. Which would've ruined the magic of this moment. 



Octavia Melody

Wow that is a beautiful piece

Cult of Dust

I must admit that I can just hear a very loud bonk.


Starlight's horn is technically in front of Trixie's, just barely, and she had her head tug forward a bit at the start of the jump. But yeah she admits she cut it a bit too close there.


Skillfully executed. Beautifully done.


She missed the dock...