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A while ago I had some folks inquiring whether Princess Twilight had assembled her own team of Mares-in-Waiting. At the time I said no. However things have changed and now she has first one.

      This is Page Turner. Her specialty is all things books. She has a photographic memory. She lives in books, and she can for a limited amount of time bring creatures, individuals, and to a limited degree settings, to life in the physical world. 

      Personality wise Page Turner is a goth. A bit of a perky goth but still a pony who is fascinated with the macabre.  




Kinda reminds me of Panes Gray a little. Though his was through his own creations, not existing ones.


In some ways. However Page Turner's creations can only exist for a couple of minutes and cannot move far from her. However unlike Paynes Grey could not go into books.


"She lives in books,"... So does Page here have a favorite book she retires to? Does time pass in the book at the same rate as it does outside it (either when she's there or not)? Can she choose the point in the story she arrives? So many possibilities. (Sends Page Turner some books. One is about an apocalyptic dragon who didn't want to have to do that. Another is about some space-going pirate hunters with heavy firepower.)


Could get real wild if she picked an X rated one ;)


I love libromancers

Leo G.

Twi's best friend.


Goth ponies are best ponies.


No doubt soon to be joined by her co-maids Silence and Late Fee.


"an apocalyptic dragon who didn't want to have to do that" might that be Vava's 'World Destruction'?


I don't believe so. (It's an isekai story of my own creation.)