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Note. To the best of my knowledge this is not based on any existing Fallout Equestria storyline, nor does it follow any particular plot in Fallout 4. This is just the narrative that popped   into my head as I worked on this piece.

        Amber looked over to his right at Sweetie Belle who was nervously standing alongside him with her hands up in the air as well. The planned meeting with one of the local warlords was not going well.  A few feet in front of him and slightly to his left stood Starlight Glimmer the local commander of the Underground Railroad and her personal bodyguard and very close companion Trixie Lulamoon. Like Amber and Sweetie they to were standing still with their hands up in the air. 

       The original reason for the meeting had been to arrange the trade of items between the Railroad and the forces led by one warlord named Gold Mane. The location chosen was neutral ground for all parties. To represent the warlord his second-in-command Broken Bottle had been sent. 

       Starlight glared at stallion. "Bottle! You know that your boss set this meeting up! Both sides have been working for weeks to make this happen! He's going to tie your guts around your neck like a bow tie when he finds out how badly you've fucked this up!"

      Broken Bottle sat on a rickety old office chair as he finished rolling a cigarette. Striking a match on an equally battered desk he lit it and took long pull from. He casually looked at the 4 ponies who had weapons pointed at the other party and then slowly blew the smoke out his nostrils. Then he chuckled softly under his breath. 

      "I don't give a shit what Gold Mane thinks. I've recently gotten a much better offer from some other ponies, and by tomorrow morning I'll be a calling the shots around here." 

      Starlight's eyes narrowed. "Do you honestly believe there's enough ponies in his ranks who'll betray him?"

      The stallion grinned revealing a mouth of gnarled, stained teeth. "Nah! Accept for a select few..." He made a sweeping gesture to the ponies pointing the weapons. "Most of them have no idea what's coming."

       Amber coughed a little. Up to this point him and Sweetie had remained silent . " 4 traitors doesn't seem to be much a force to overthrow a warlord."

      Broken glanced at the dragon/pony hybrid and grinned. "Yeah. Normally you'd be right, but as I said I've found some new ponies to work with."

       His gaze slowly shifted to Trixie and then Starlight. "You made a lot of enemies when you left the Institute dear." He glanced over at Trixie. "For some reason they're particularly pissed that you took her with you when bailed on them. There's a bounty on your head darling." 

       He smirked at the blue unicorn. "And there's a nice reward for returning your sweet ass back to them." He took another long drag on his cigarette. "So they've told me if I brought you both in they'd back my move to take over this bunch of feral shitheads."

      Starlight gritted her teeth. "Do you honestly expect them to keep their end of the bargain!? There just using you to get at me and Trixie!"

       Broken Bottle finished his cigarette and crushed it out on one of the legs of the chair he was sitting on. "Sure I expect them to try a double-cross me, but I'm use to that."

       The stallion rose from his chair and glanced over at his forces. As he did Starlight muttered to her partner. "Trixie. Teacup, teacup, teacup."

       Amber watched as the silver and blue maned mare shivered slightly and then slowly step forward. "Trixie would like to take this moment to thank you for giving Trixie a chance to get away from that overbearing bitch!" She tilted her over at Starlight. 

      The chocolate brown earth pony eyes narrowed. "Look I don't give a shit about the relationship between you two. I was just told to bring you two in and they'd make sure I was in charge." 

      Trixie giggled. "Oh. Our relationship is easy to understand." Trixie's horn stared to glow as she began to unbutton the front of her double-breasted overcoat. Slowly revealing a fine pair of breasts. It was abundantly clear she wasn't wearing much under the coat. 

      The unicorn stopped in front of Broken Bottle her coat was now unbuttoned to just above the waist. The stallion had a fine view of a lacy black bra that created impressive amount of cleavage. Around Trixie's neck was a black leather collar. Trixie smiled invitingly. "Trixie has been trained since birth to entertain and comfort ponies." 

      She glared back at Starlight. "I was the favorite of the Institute Chairpony. She took me against my will when she left. It was her way of spiting him, and since all synths are addicted to specific drugs that the Institute makes she's been able to keep me under her thumb. She took a large supply of it when she fled."

     Broken Bottle arched an eyebrow. "So you're some type of created whore for the institute?"

     Trixie blushed. "Oh no! Trixie prefers to call herself a Comfort Specialist." She stepped forward until she was almost touching the stallion. "Trixie lives to provide comfort and pleasure for those in need." She smiled sweetly at him. "Since you're forming an alliance with the Institute Trixie is conditioned to provide my services to you. Would you like to partake of Trixie's services?"  Slowly the mare started to lower her arms. 

    The stallion reached for mare and she stepped toward him. Suddenly her right hand shot inside the sleeve. There was another blur of movement and suddenly a geyser of blood erupted from Broken Bottle's now slit throat. The silver glint of a straight razor. It's edge covered in crimson blood flashed as the mare tossed it in the air. As he toppled to the ground Trixie's horn flared and out of both cuffs of her overcoat two compact .380 pistols shot out attached to rods. With blinding speed she grasped both pistols and emptied their magazines into the heads of the other 4 ponies. They were dead before the hit the ground. Her horn was still glowing as Trixie caught razor with her levitation and moved over till she was able to grasp it with her teeth. 

    A look of horror filled Sweetie's eyes as Trixie turned back to them. Amber swallowed but Starlight stood absolutely still. Trixie's eyes were filled with maniacal glee. Softly Starlight spoke. 

     "Trixie is a good pony and will now get peanut butter crackers." The blue mare's body relaxed and she smiled at Starlight. Blood was splattered across her face. 

     "An another amazing performance from the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

     Amber and Sweetie had just seen a courser in action for the first time. 

      A patron reward for Skyline.  




A programmed assassin. Trigger words.

Cult of Dust

If you're going to be deadly, might as well be sexy. And vice versa.


It’s a distraction. We had a training video where you are looking in a car from the driver side at this well equipped female full on cleavage. I was the only trainee to spot the 38 snub nosed pistol she was holding in her right hand. All you could hear from the others was how nice she looked.

Cult of Dust

A little more nuanced than my strategy of "grab knives and charge" when I had to fight. Admittedly I don't have nearly as good of a body as a bipedal pastel horse anyways. Though I must say, for all of the jokes, that's the first time I've actually heard of it being used.


A variation on Modesty Blaise's tactic of "the Nailer".