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Note. To the best of my knowledge this is not based on  any existing Fallout Equestria storyline, nor does it follow any particular plot in Fallout 4. This is just the narrative that popped  into my head as I worked on this piece.

      The alicorn leaned back in the pre-war patio chair and stared at the remains of the pony in her hand. A few minutes ago it had been a living breathing being. Now the only part she held was it's head and part of its spinal column that had come along for the ride when she'd ripped the head off.  The remainder of the body was scattered, and splattered, around the room.

      The midnight blue mare looked into the now lifeless eyes and pondered. She remembered being not much more herself when she'd been just a collection tissue and genetic material floating in an Institute growth chamber. She had vague, ferverish memories of discussions heard through the walls of her chamber as she floated in it and grew.  Of her creators assuring others that she'd have no memories that time, and that she wasn't experiencing any discomfort. They lied. 

     Nightmare Moon remembered the pain as the Institute grew her, and experimented on her. It seeped in even past the artificial memories that they had attempted to stuff into her brain. But she knew what the two real memories were from that time. One was pain. The other had been more elusive as it ebbed and flowed . In time she learned what she was experiencing was the cycles of natural satellite that orbit this world. The moon. 

     But she'd escaped from her tormentors up to the surface. In the process she'd left a bloody swath through the hallways of that accursed place. Even in those early days her powers had been able to assure her freedom. 

     Now free upon the surface of the world she plotted her revenge on her torturers. Her power had drawn others to her side. This was no surprise to her since she'd been bred to lead. To rule. To dominate over others. Everyday her ranks grew in size and strength. Soon she'd strike back at those who had so foolishly tried to bend her to their wishes. 

     The institute had sent teams to capture her and assassins to slay. They had all failed and parts of them now adorn her throne room like hunting trophies. Eventually they had given up and began another plot. To create another alicorn to defeat her. A different alicorn. This has to work They hoped to use this being to finally crush her and bring the world under the Institute's sway. 

     But Nightmare Moon wasn't going to let that happen. She'd strike first. Once she'd gathered enough forces she'd launch her own assault on the Institute. 

     She stared at the pony head one more time. Then she casually tossed it away.

     Another patron reward for Skyline. I had a backlog of rewards I needed to finish for him. So I've been working through them.  



Octavia Melody

Nice but quite disturbing sketch. Great work Baron.


John Fogerty....... “There’s a bad moon on the rise”

Dorian Inman

Bwahhahaa! I’m sorry I laughed; only Nightmare Moon would display her assets as a means of intimidation. Of course they make for a good distraction, too; any straight male, lesbian, or bi male or female is going to ogle those and miss the killing blow. But at least they’d have a nice thing to see before oblivion takes them. :)