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Some magic requires memorization. Some magic require components. Some magic is best performed during certain times of day or a certain season. Some magic requires a partner.  Some are require multiple things. Zecora looks like she's about to perform some kind of magic. 




Witchy mare.😊

Sky Shatter

Never get tired of Zecora. At the risk of sounding like a degenerate, the more we see of the less she wears, all the better.

Cult of Dust

Some magic requires nudity. Though I'm not entirely sure how much is actual magic and how much just seems magical.


It's only magic in the poetic sense. To which Zecora might reply: "What magic is, I cannot say. Let's have some fun anyway." (BurmaShave!)


That should be a pony name. Or maybe a zebra (who also speaks in rhyme).


Sun done rose. Sun done set. We ain’t left Texas yet. Old Burma Shave on old Hwy 90 in Texas. 740 plus miles from the Louisiana border to Van Horn Texas.


"The sun done set, the sun done rizz, any one know where the state line is???" 864 miles ,Orange to Anthony,Tx on IH -10. Been there, done that. 'Axe

Sky Shatter

The signs on the side of the road? IF YOU / DON'T KNOW / WHOSE SIGNS / THESE ARE / YOU CAN'T HAVE / DRIVEN VERY FAR. A piece of American roadside history. I read a whole novel on the history of the product and advertising campaign.


Dad humor time: "Spring is sprung, the grass is rizz, I wonder where the birdie is? The bird is on the wing. My, my, how absurd; I thought the wing was on the bird."