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"Princess Twilight! I didn't know you were reading this book! Do you like it? I really like it!" A moment from last night's Equestria dreamscape that I decided to draw today before I forgot certain details. Princess Twilight has discovered several things about her first Mare-in-Waiting Page Turner:

1. Her and the Mare-in-Waiting Page Turner were reading the same book. 

2. Page Turner hadn't told her she was spending her evenings literally in the book. 

3. That her Mare-in-Waiting likes to dress up and cosplay as a character in the book.

4. That she really gets into the story that's in the book. Really gets into it. 

5.  That Page Turner is very, very interested in her.   




Oh boy, I bet Page Turner is one hell of a character. Probably a good thing Petina helped her become so much less uptight by the time Twilight meets Page.


That poor poor UPD. [Press X to show respect.]

Cult of Dust

I like where this story is headed


Wait -- Twilight wasn't reading an academic treatise or technical manual? What has become of our purple book-horse?


Well she's read Daring Do novels for years now. As she's gotten older Twilight has started expanding her horizons when it comes to reading material.


Hehehe. They'll probably add a few steamy chapters to that book!


Someday I hope you will draw actual nsfw, I'd love to see where scenes like this go