Fire and water (Patreon)
Spitfire listened to the water lap against the sides of the pool. It was after 11pm and the Captain of the Wonderbolts was relaxing in the team's pool. Today's aerial performance in Canterlot had been one of their best. Now the mare was floating on her back and staring up at the stars above. She was at the moment alone in the pool, but as she chilled there she heard the sound of approaching hooves.
Turning her head slightly the yellow-orange mare watched as Soarin came strolling out into the pool area. He was wearing a speedo and had a towel draped across the his shoulder. Seeing her number one wingstallion Spitfire tucked her wings in tight rolled over and started swimming toward the side of the pool he was standing by.
Seeing the mare approaching Soarin tossed his towel onto a nearby pool lounge chair then he sat down at the pool's edge and started to remove the non-slip rubber hoof covers he had strapped to his hooves. Spitfire same shallow part of the pool near him. Coming to a rest at the poolside she looked over at the stallion.
"Today's show was awesome. Thanks for all your hard work Soarin." Spitfire pushed a few strands of wet mane from her eyes.
"Yeah it was Captain." The cloud blue stallion removed the last hoof cover and tossed them over by his towel. "But now I just want to soak a while in the pool."
"Any plans after that?" Spitfire crossed her arms rested them on the pool edge.
Soarin stared at the nighttime sky. "No. Not really. It's going to be around midnight then."
The mare smiled. "Well if you're interested, drop by my quarters. We can have a nightcap to what's been a great day."
Spitfire then pushed herself out of the pool. It was then that the stallion realized the captain was just wearing a white bikini and plain white, and now thoroughly soaked, t-shirt. Tossing her head back she glanced at him.
"So if you're interested in a drink, drop by my place. Okay." Then she sauntered off.
A patron reward for Octavia Melody.