Homework (Patreon)
Twilight chewed on the eraser end of her pencil as she mentally grappled with a particularly devilish question Miss Cheerilee had given the class as extra credit. She loved these problems and the fact that only she and a handful of of her classmates could tackle them. She slowly kicked her legs back and forth as she pondered the problem.
Her mental struggle was interrupted by the sound of a gentle knock on the door frame to her room. Looking up she saw her younger adopted brother Spike standing in the doorway. The purple dragon was standing there in his 1st year Canterlot Academy uniform. Removing the pencil from her mouth she grinned at him.
"Hey Spike! So, how was your first day at school? Did you find all of your classes okay? First day can be confusing."
"Uh yeah. I found all of my classes okay." The drake said. "I also met some of your friends and classmates."
"Oh. Which ones?" The mauve unicorn asked. Her gaze had returned to the book in front of her. Along with it Twilight was once again sucking and chewing on the of her pencil. For some reason Spike suddenly found that very distracting.
"Oh! Well. I met Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Uh, and I met your friend who's on the Student Council. Um, Rarity! Yes. I met her!" You're new here. Aren't you For some reason the thought of Rarity chewing on a pencil seemed like this amazing idea.
"Huh. That's nice." Spike's big sister was once again totally focused on her homework. She nervously shifted her hips side-to-side a couple of times as she tried to find a more comfortable position. Twilight's little brother watched this and then swallowed.
"Um. Well I'm going to see if mom needs any help in the kitchen." The young dragon said robotically as he turned and walked away.
"Okay. Uh. Sounds good." His big sister muttered as he wandered off.