Ready For Class (Patreon)
A recent event in my Equestria dreamscape that I wanted to get down on paper before I forgot some detail from it.
Miss Cheerilee watched as her students filed into the Ponyville Schoolhouse for another day of learning and discovery. In Cheerilee's mind each of these foals was a unique, and precious individual with their own story. Each one had their strength, weakness, special abilities and backgrounds, but one filly in her class stood out from the rest.
The CMC came trotting into the schoolyard. The 3 fillies were chatting with each other about what the day had in store for them. At the center of the trio was the buttercream yellow earth pony Applebloom. Because of her relationship as Applebloom's primary teacher Cheerilee had received a fairly comprehensive security briefing from the Royal Court. This covered what had happened to filly and what her current duties were now in the name of Kingdom. At the same time Cheerilee had been sworn to secrecy.
With what she knew, Cheerliee was impressed at how well Applebloom was adapting and coping with unique circumstances that she found herself in. She smiled at the filly as she came into the classroom.
"Good morning Applebloom!" She said the as she walked up to her. "How are we doing today?"
The filly reached her assigned desk and removed her panniers and set them on the left side of her desk. The filly sat down and retrieved her textbook; then she pulled her pencil case and got her pencil and dip pen out of it. She set the pen on her desk and it promptly rolled off onto the floor. Seemingly unconcerned by this the filly looked up at her teacher.
"Good morning Miss Cheerilee! We're doing alright taday!"
"Did you have any extra chores last night?" This was a code phrase Cheerilee come up with for any operations Applebloom might have had in either the Dream Realm or the waking world.
The filly flipped to the right part of her textbook for today's class and then looked up at her teacher. "Yeah. We had ta take care of some business, but we got it all done." She then picked up her pencil with lips and looked again up at Cheerilee again.
As Cheerilee watched Applebloom's shadow stretched and morphed to show the filly holding her massive, signature scythe. At the same time a thin, twisting tendril of shadow rose up holding the filly's dropped dip pen. It deposited the pen on the desk and then vanished.