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Note. To the best of my knowledge this is not based on any existing Fallout Equestria storyline, nor does it follow any  particular plot in Fallout 4. This is just the narrative that popped   into my head as I worked on this piece.

   Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Vinyl Scratch fired the last 4 rounds of 9mm from her pistol as the last of the immediate assailants collapsed and fell to the ground. From behind a stack of now bullet-riddled speakers the unicorn could hear her partner Octavia withdrawing her submachine gun from it's case. Like Vinyl she'd initially emptied her pistol into the assailants who'd interrupted their performance. The crowd that had been enjoying their performance had fled out the side exits of the old building.   

   From the front lobby of the old theater Vinyl heard the sounds of cursing and quickly approaching hooves. Apparently the gang members that had just attacked had friends. The white unicorn dropped the empty 8rd magazine from the pistol. She reached down and yanked wooden holster/stock from her belt. Popping open the stock Vinyl reached in and pulled out the 32rd magazine that was resided in the stock. Slamming the extended magazine into the pistol grip Vinyl attached the stock to the pistol. Then the performer yelled out to her partner. 

     "Shit! Octy! We're going to have company! The unicorn thumbed down on the pistol's selector that resided on right side of the slide. Shouldering the now stocked machine pistol Vinyl pressed the trigger and sent 8rds at the theater entrance in one fast burst. 


     The roar of gunfire caused the new wave of assailants to hesitate at the entrance. Having halted their advance for a moment the DJ dove behind another stack of speakers as Octavia started laying down short, precise, bursts of cover fire for her. 

      Having at least gotten some concealment Vinyl started looking for new targets. This had to be the worst gig ever! 

      A patron reward for Skyline . It will be interesting to see if people can guess what Vinyl's weapon is.    




Beretta 92d?


Sure looks like one, thoughI did not knoy that there was a full auto version. 'Axe


The scallop undercut and the threaded mark on the barrel tells me its a close variant of the Browning ~ but i havent heard of a full-auto / shoulder-strap version of it... ill have to do some historic research


It's derived from a Browning design, but isn't a US or Belgian in manufacturer.

Ayumi Silverfox

I'm going to guess a Browning Hi-Power just based upon how close the image matches it. But I'm pretty sure I'm wrong since that did not come out until around WW2 and the only other machine pistol I know of pre-WW2 is the Steyr M1912 an that looks nothing like it. Really curious what it is now because I've a soft spot for Browning-inspired pistols. Good luck to whomever can guess it!

Ayumi Silverfox

Welp maybe I should've guessed Argentina SPA since, as far as I know, that's the only non-NA Browning that fits. Have to admit this one has me stumped and I'm usually good with stuff like this >_>

Ayumi Silverfox

I never in a million years would've guessed that. Neat that you even knew about it /salute