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Development artwork for an upcoming commission. Just like a recently finished commission Caught in a bind this project will have a spider as a major component in it. And like the previous piece I needed to do some study drawings first. Golden Orb Weaver study sketches 

     Now I haven't really drawn many spiders in my life, and definitely not Black Widows. So I've done some homework. After staring at quite a few spiders I'm starting to understand how they work. I think this is cool. However one of my muse is less excited by this. 




Obviously, someone should get your muse some of the finest, most luxuriously silken lingerie to try on and model. Then tell her it's spider silk, not silkworm silk.


Not at all a fan of spiders. But your little doodle is cute there.


Poor Petina. Why must you torture her so? Or your clients, for that matter.

Sylvan Ryan

'Metal Gear Solid exclamation sound plays'


I suppose Petina would not be mollified by a spider-hug.

Frank Oldread

Nope! Nope! Nope! All the nope!!!

David Webb

Just wait until she meets a Goliath Bird Eater, or a Huntsman spider!


Or even a spider-design rosette cookie? (Yep, it's a real thing.)