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Cheeshee the kobold trotted over to Cedric who is now lying face down motionless in the road. The cerva had recently taken a large rock thrown by a hill giant in the face. The blow had set him sliding face first along dirt road. Digging a burrow with his face. Taking the end of her walking stick/arcane focus the divine soul sorcerer pokes Cedric.

    "Hey! Hey! You okay?"

    A moment from the 5th Edition D&D I'm playing in. Cedric is my Horizon Walker/Warlock and Chesshee is an NPC in the game. Caerdwyn is running it. 

     This piece is also Patreon patron reward for Caerdwyn.  We game every other Saturday.  If you want more detailed and up to date information about our campaign we give a report during my Picarto  art streams which happen on Saturdays that we're not gaming. My next stream will be on Boxing Day December 26th starting at 5:30pm Pacific. 




heheh ya I can see this happening so easily with a Kobold....


"Sanka? Ya dead?"


Reminds me of taking on a 210 running back at full speed head on. I was not going to be embarrassed if he leaped over me if I went at his legs. So I took him head up chest to chest. I weighed only 150.....I can feel your pain.....just walk it off.😁

IceTigerV (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:35:32 No party like a D&D party... And is that Kobold carrying a baby dragon?
2020-12-17 02:56:12 No party like a D&D party... And is that Kobold carrying a baby dragon?

No party like a D&D party... And is that Kobold carrying a baby dragon?

Trezir Pyle

Is that Spike on Cheeshee's belt?

Sky Shatter

Marvelous. Love me some comedic scene capture.


No its Bahamie. Cheeshee's stuffed dragon doll that actually has some magical properties to it. Although that hasn't come up yet in the game.