Life Drawing (Patreon)
Sandbar stared at nopony in particular as he sat still under the studio lights of the life drawing class. He'd been modeling for the art class several times a semester, and he appreciated the bits he got as tips for doing it.
Actually sitting perfectly still for an extended period of time was harder than most ponies thought. Even if a pony intended to be still they would involuntarily shift, move, change, and shift their weight as they sat there. So one had to be constantly aware of this fact as they held their pose.
Many ponies, along with some griffins, dragons, yaks, thought posing nude in front of a group of individuals was proof that one had an exhibitionist streak. Sandbar didn't consider himself an exhibitionist. He just didn't have much body shyness. So when he was asked if he was interested and willing to pose for the class he agreed.
Yona was in the beginning very unhappy about this, but after awhile she became accepting of it. Beside Sandbar pointed out that the tips he earned posing he was able to spend on their dates. Yak was okay with that.
This piece is a commission. Also the text in this posting is based on my experience with talking to life drawing models and a couple of my classmates who did posed during our years in college.