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It was about 10 in the evening when Rarity finally left the Bucking Mare Tavern and headed back to Carousel Boutique in my Equestria dreamscape. 

     She'd only meant to drop in for a late lunch Test Drive, but she'd ended up having so much fun there that; well one thing led to another. Before she'd known it she was singing and dancing with many a stallion and a few of the mares there tonight. The fashionista thought for a moment. Had she danced with any mares? Well. No matter. She'd had a grand time with whoever she'd danced with! 

    Oh and that stout! Where have you been all my life What a wondrous beverage! Rarity had enjoyed 2 of them.

    Or was it 3? Maybe 4. Possibly 5. Definitely not 6. No matter. The unicorn felt like she was floating above the ground. She sang one of the silly little songs she'd learned tonight as she trotted through the quiet streets of the town. Ponyville was still primarily an agricultural community so many of it inhabitants turned in early at night. However some of it residents were still stirring. 

    Spike was finishing up his finally chore of the day when like some fantasy the most beautiful mare, in his opinion, came trotting up and gave him a big, wet, he was pretty sure with tongue, kiss. Then she galloped off into the night. The young dragon continued to stare off in the direction she'd gone for several seconds. Then he turned around and robotically walked back into library.

To be continued. 



Karl Maurer

Spike: Brain has just 404'd.


Petina is such a wonderful influence on Rarity. Much to Spikes joy.


Spikes brain just went BOOM!!! REBOOT!


I think Rarity is a bit, shall we say, three sheets to the wind?


Very nice work. I honestly think that Spike won't be the last male to receive Rarity's affection, or maybe another mare will end up in such position? Fluttershy perhaps? Since you have posted a few works recently, can we assume you're feeling a little better? You didn't give any notice about your health for a while now, so I wanted to know how you feel. Hope any symptoms of the sickness you have/had are at least significantly diminished.


Yes its been a slow, steady, recovery and I am finally feeling normal again.


I am very happy to hear that. I can only add, it's good that you are feeling better.


Welp, that will be one long cold shower for Spike...


And likely to be "enjoying" a hangover in the near future.


Yes. Spike is going to start thinking about things he really hasn't thought about until now.