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Another moment from my Anthro MLP dreamscape. Rarity watched with a critical eye as Yona slowly turned in from of the full length mirror and examined the outfit that the fashionista had designed for her. 

     The unicorn kept a professional smile on her face as spoke. "So Yona darling. What do you think? Is it everything you dreamed of?" For Rarity this was often the most nerve wracking part in the commission. That moment when client finally got a chance to see what they'd imagined in their mind brought to life. In most cases Rarity's skills, talents, and advising meant the response was one of happiness, excitement, and satisfaction from the client, but that wasn't a guaranteed thing. And the longer the silence dragged on the more the mare's grew concerned. 

    Rarity coughed softly to break the silence in the boutique. "Yona darling. Is there something wrong with it?"

    The mare's second comment seemed to snap the yak out of her endless cycle of repeated looking and contemplation. "Oh! Yona sorry! Yona thinks you've done an amazing job on this outfit. But Yona was just thinking...." The yak went silent and resumed looking at herself in the mirror. 

    Rarity slowly counted to ten in her mind before speaking again. "But you were thinking dear?" The mare said with just the tiniest hint of impatience in her voice. 

    "Oh!" The yak stopped her latest round of reflection. "Um! Yona was thinking that if my parents were to see me in this club outfit would they be angry with Yona? Would they demand Yona come back home? Would Yona lose her chance to keeping going to Twilight's school?"

    Yona did a little twirl in front of the mirror. "I like it very much, bbbuuuutttt..." Her voice tapered off again.

    "Bbbbbuuuttttt?" Rarity repeated the yak's last word as she stared at her over the rims of her glasses.

     The yak turned and placed her hands on her hips and looked over her shoulder. Grin formed on her face. "But Yona knows for sure that Sandbar will lose his mind seeing me wearing it!"

     Rarity smiled herself. "And Sandbar losing his mind is a win for you dear."

     Yona’s grin grew even bigger. "Definitely winning!"




Itza Itza Itza.....bbbuuutttt.


I sympathize with Rarity so much here. That tense moment between showing the client a finished piece and waiting to see their reaction to it is nerve-wracking every time. But when they’re happy with the result, there’s no better feeling in the world.


Yes. Even after doing this for 30 years I still have that moment. "Do they like it?"

Dark Forge

Oh I bet Sandbar will be very happy to see Yona in that's outfit.


If Rarity added a removable longer skirt and a jacket, it might camouflage the actual outfit for wearing in front of Yona's parents.