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A bit of concept design for an upcoming piece. It's been a while since I've done some straight up concept design, but in this future picture this will be strapped to a character's right thigh. The weapon is an interesting mixture of real world and arcane technology and technique to boost and enhance it's performance. 




could see capt [?] Brass carryng this.


Reminds me of the AMP63 from Call of Duty Cold War. I use one in Zombies. Lacks a stock but similar otherwise. It to uses real world and arcane tech from the Aether. Called Pack A Punch upgrades. This auto pistol at Tier 4 PAP Level 3 will kill the Krasny Soldat in short order. Very nice design.

Ayumi Silverfox

Seeing this reminds me of why I really got to be a fan of your work way back in the day. You have a really neat talent of being able to conceptualize and put it to paper and make it look as if it was coming out of an ordinance manual. Very nicely done and looking forward to seeing the piece this will be going with :)