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A patron reward for ColdSilverD. He sent me his request via messages and a few nights later this was the image and story that popped up in my anthro MLP dreamscape. 

Shining Armor stepped off the veranda of the beachfront bungalow that he and Cadence were spending their week. The bungalow was located on a very small tropical island. In fact except for a boat dock and a couple of outer buildings the bungalow was the only large, permanent structure on the island, and they were currently its only inhabitants. 

     Island had no clubs, theaters, shops, or restaurants, but what did have was privacy. Lots of privacy. The owners of the island ran a series of getaways that specialized in peace, quiet, and privacy. Both by their physical location and by magical means. That's exactly what the Ruler of the Crystal Empire and her husband were looking for. Peace, quiet, and plenty of privacy. 

    As a result of a changeling abduction, King Sombra's assault, running a returned kingdom,  Flutter Heart's birth, the Crystalling fiasco, and King Tirek, the two hadn't any real Us Time. This vacation was all about Us Time.

    Walking across the lawn with a glass of iced tea in each hand Shining reached the golden, sandy beach. From there he headed for his delivery destination. A single hammock hanging between to palm trees. In it was his wife, but as he approached he noticed that she'd apparently had decided to take advantage of the privacy wards that surrounded the island. The alicorn's bikini was lying on the sand beneath the hammock, and once again Shining was reminded again why he'd fallen head over heel for his wife. Celestia and Luna might be the princesses of the sun and moon, Cadence was the princess of his heart. 




And that is how to begin making a filly or a colt so Flutter Heart won’t be alone….

Ayumi Silverfox

Dang.... That last line is so sweet, awesome, and fitting for Princess Cadence. Very nicely done on both the art and mini story front.

Crimson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:31:39 Unf... This is just perfect in so many ways. Lovely drawing of Cadance <3
2021-06-23 13:09:31 Unf... This is just perfect in so many ways. Lovely drawing of Cadance <3

Unf... This is just perfect in so many ways. Lovely drawing of Cadance <3