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Now if you tuned in to my last Picarto stream you might be thinking. "Hey there's still one piece that Baron hasn't posted?" Well I didn't forget it I just decided to safe it for posting this week.

    The theme of the last stream was Genies. This piece was a request that by sheer luck it also happens to be a scene from my Equestria dreamscape, so I was more than happy to draw. 

     Also I would like to take this moment to address the matter of my Equestria dreamscape. In particular the artwork for it. I am finding that between my responsibilities of fulfilling Patron rewards and completing commissions plus general business, social media and personal life matters I've found it hard to find the time to complete artwork for the dreamscape at the level of finish that I've recently been posting. So the question I have for my watchers and patrons is this. 

     Would you be comfortable with me posting artwork connected to the dreamscape that was less finished and more sketch-like in nature compared to the work I have been recently posting if you got updates more often? Originally the artwork for the dreamscape was more sketch-like in nature, but I don't know if folks would accept that again?

      So would you be okay with that? Of course for some very important postings I will try to do the interior book quality grayscale illustrations I've been doing. They just won't be the norm. 



Frank Oldread

Sketches are perfectly fine with me. Whatever enables you to feel like you're fulfilling your obligations. Self imposed or otherwise.


Sketches are fine, the story is hooked me in.

Wolf Graywind

Sketches work perfectly... It's fascinating to see pieces in the process of being done besides just the final work...

Ayumi Silverfox

I’m all for any decision that makes things easier for you to manage. That said I have zero issues if you need to dial down the details a bit especially if it allows you to weave tales of your Equestria Dreamscapes. I’d buy a book in a heartbeat of those tales. Is like that show Amazing Stories back in the day an look forward to each one :)


Cute. Like the relationship that is developing between Applebloom and Stonemane. As to the sketch idea, fine. . BTW next picarto stream is tomorrow night.6/26 at 1730 PDT? 'AXe


Always thought that "Amazing Stories" was a great show. A shame it wasn't continued. 'Axe

Sky Shatter

Considering the dreamscape is at the top of my list for visual and story elements I'm keen on, I'd be happy with any level of polish.