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This is a study for a piece I hope to do in the future. Recently I saw a sticker of Fluttershy that had a slogan that Woody Guthrie. had on his guitar during WWII. 

    " This machine kills fascist."

    The dichotomy of the image of Fluttershy and the saying stuck with me. Then a few nights ago I had a dream where I was in the Staging Area of my dreamscapes and Petina was there in human form. She was watching a movie on a monitor and for the entire dream we sat on a futon and watched it while munching on Pocky Sticks.

     The dream movie we watched was set in the Equestria Girls universe. However all of the Mane Seven were power armor operators in it. The power armor was very similar to later models of Landmates found in the Appleseed universe.  All of the girls wore these skin-tight suits. The girls wore tank tops over the suits that had various sayings on them. Fluttershy's had that saying on it.

     Fluttershy was the long range and indirect fire expert of the group. Her primary weapon was a high-velocity 40mm rifle/cannon and fire-and-forget missiles that were launching from a vertical launch rack.

     Like later models of Landmates Fluttershy's suit along with all of her teammates they had limited flight capability. Except instead of Hermes Coils the suits used magic to accomplish it. Fluttershy's named her suit Angel. 

     This Saturday 9/4/21 starting at 5:30pm Pacific I'll be streaming on Picarto.  



Ayumi Silverfox

Fluttershy check, Landmates check, tanktop with cool slogan double check. Dang, now I really would love to see a landmate/pilot line of pictures.... Call dibs on a Derpy one and for Princess Luna :)