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Recently I posted some sketches and a drawing for a future Twilight Sparkle genie commission. Link Well these are some rough sketches for a color Applejack Genie commission I'll be doing next year. 



Drew Maxwell

These are very nice uses of the thematic elements in the costume. Even without seeing her flank, you know this is Applejack. Will she still be appearing out of a jug of spirits (perhaps, dare I say, applejack)? Tenon, of course, shouldn't see any of this--his head would explode.

Ayumi Silverfox

Oh my dear...... And here I thought the work you did on the Twilight Sparkle sketch roughs was stunning. This one ups that quite a bit I must say and it's the different expressions that just lend this an entire "Now sugarcube your mouth is hangin open. Ya might wish'ta close it before 'ya catch some flies if ya get my meaning." And not sure how or where you got the idea of the chains linking the anklets and bracers but reminds me very much of an anime called Magi that hits similar thematic elements (and yes that's a very positive comparison). If the Twilight Sparkle one could be filed under sultry this one could easily be filed under sass. You really could not get anymore of a striking difference in tone I don't think. Very amazing work Baron and whomever this is for they're boy howdy getting their bits worth. ^_^


Unlike piece The spirit of the bottle https://www.patreon.com/posts/spirit-of-bottle-32990824 AJ will be emerging from a bottle/vessel of more Middle Eastern design. However it will an earthenware container.