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Another of the drawings I started during last night's Picarto stream. Link The theme of the stream was the new Netflix MLP movie and the characters from it. Last night was the first time I attempted to draw any of these characters. 

     This is Zipp Storm. When I originally saw the character's design I wasn't to thrilled. However she ended being the surprise character for me in the film, and the one I want to learn more about her and her interest piecing together what actually happened long ago.  She might end up being a useful in Sunny's own quest for the answer. 

       One design feature that caught my attention was that the ponies only had a cutie mark on their right side. I'm curious to see if a possible upcoming series will address that issue. 




I agree completely, I was completely unenthused with Zipp leading up to the movie, both in terms of her design and what little I knew of her character. But after seeing the movie, I was really surprised by how endearing she was with her suave level-headedness and her earnest yet humble nature. Of all the new characters, she’s the one I’m most interested to see more of and learn more about, which is a complete about-face from my initial perception of her.


At first I thought she was going to be the confrontational jock type character. I'm very happy I was wrong.

The Smiling Pony

Was in the same boat; assumed she'd be a Rainbow Dash 2.0 attempt, but she turned out really likeable and have a good place in the story and setting. Best G5 pon for me.

Ayumi Silverfox

A lot of the characters outside of Sunny really did not get enough time to grow character wise. But out of them all both of the pegasus sisters got pretty much the worst of it. But dang am I craving so much more, and have so many questions, so I'm really hoping they make more episodes. Personally I'm just glad that Zipp did not turn into a Rainbow Dash 2.0. And from the looks of things you captured their expression and personality well in your style :)


Well I thought she was going to be a nastier version of Dash, but she didn't. In fact she's a bit of an egghead to be honest.


She's confident, intelligent, and is trying to see the bigger picture, but she doesn't rub your face in it. I like that.

Leo G.

Tied for my top spot as favorite new pony, alongside Hitch. The dry sarcasm, gallows humor and pragmatism of these too really feel like me. Blame it on two tours in Iraq as a former Marine.

Leo G. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 22:56:09 Agreed. The movie was great, but the whole thing could have done better if they slowed the pacing down so we got a better feel for all the characters. Also, is it just me, or did Derpy have like 9000 kids? There are grey & blonde ponies EVERYWHERE in the background of Maretime Bay...
2021-10-04 23:26:39 Agreed. The movie was great, but the whole thing could have done better if they slowed the pacing down so we got a better feel for all the characters. Also, is it just me, or did Derpy have like 9000 kids? There are grey & blonde ponies EVERYWHERE in the background of Maretime Bay...

Agreed. The movie was great, but the whole thing could have done better if they slowed the pacing down so we got a better feel for all the characters. Also, is it just me, or did Derpy have like 9000 kids? There are grey & blonde ponies EVERYWHERE in the background of Maretime Bay...