Tea Time Diplomacy (Patreon)
Xervergor opened his great mouth halfway, then the Pit Stalker's interior mouth opened as well. He extended his long almost prehensile tongue and then rolled into a long trough. Carefully and with surprising grace the being moved its left arm and positioned tea cup in it's hand over it's tongue and poured some of tea on it. The fluid flowed down the tongue and vanished in the being greatest maw. With it's right hand it picked up a shortbread; it looked at it the older filly who had arranged this event with pearl-white eyes. In her mind Applebloom heard the Pit Stalker speak.
Yes. Much thanks we must bestow on you Red Bow for arranging this exchange with us. Mighty and feared are your feats in battle. Therefore this act of generosity is both unusual and most appreciated!
Applebloom took a sip of her tea before replying to Xervergor. "Well now. I will admit I've gotten rep fer being a bit of a wrecking ball, but until recently most yer kin haven't been very big fer talking. It's been lunge first and chow down on ponies dreams befer asking if that was okay."
The Blade Mare sat perched on giant mushroom in this temporary dream fabric that she'd created for this meeting. They were sitting in a rolling meadow that was dotted with with these great red and white fungi. a smaller one had white table cloth draped over it. Atop it was a tray with a tea kettle and selection shortbread cookies. Her black leather boots creaked as she crossed her back legs. The filly took another sip of her tea. Then spoke again.
"Now. Princess Luna would prefer ta not be having these tussles all the time with folks from the Lower Dark Realms, and she thought it might useful fer me ta git some experience with chatting yer kind instead of just blasting y'all on first sight. So that's why I arrange fer this here meeting."
The Pit Stalker adjusted the top hat perched on his head.
Thank you Red Bow. It is appreciated.
This was a moment that occurred in my Equestria dreamscape earlier this year that I wanted to sketch out before I forgot some elements of it. As Applebloom/Red Bow's reputation on the battlefield has grown in the Dream Realm she now has begun learning an equally powerful tool. The art of diplomacy.