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"Thanks fer the help. Ya can stop now Sugar Cube. Pppplllleeeaaasssee."

     This is the first drawing I started during my most recent Picarto stream. Link  The theme that night was Autumn so I was doing seasonal themed art. 

  My family never had a family dog, but I had several friends who did. As result I was witnessed on several occasions the apparently irresistible, magnetic desire for the canines to dive into any pile of leaves you were attempting to rake up. This often resulted in your recent efforts being scattered back over the yard you've just raked. So I had this image of Winona helping AJ with her autumn chores.  




Winona is thinking….You don’t fool me….I know you wanna jump in here too. So what’s ya waiting for….an invite? It’s what dogs think.

Ayumi Silverfox

You really captured the emotion of the moment so much so I chuckled at the sight. Besides, something tells me AJ probably was not perturbed for very long or at least I would hope not. It's really hard to be upset at a dog that looks up at you that happy. :)