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One of the drawings I started my most recent Picarto stream. The theme of the stream was nurses so of course I had to do a drawing of Nurse Redheart.  If you're good you'll get a lollipop. 



Ayumi Silverfox (edited)

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2021-11-15 22:10:46 I really do not like needles at all, usually turn as white as a sheet, but I don't think I'd be turning very white in this case. Hope they have a cherry lollipop. >/////>;
2021-11-15 20:05:04 I really do not like needles at all, usually turn as white as a sheet, but I don't think I'd be turning very white in this case. Hope they have a cherry lollipop. >/////>;

I really do not like needles at all, usually turn as white as a sheet, but I don't think I'd be turning very white in this case. Hope they have a cherry lollipop. >/////>;

Silent Kosmos

Well, confronted with such a sight I might forget how to properly use my words! Completely and utterly flabbergasted might be the adequate term!


She smiles and pats one of the lollipops lodged in her hoses. "I've got cherry."


With a needle that size a lollipop is a small compensation…..but I do love warm lollipops.

Ben Berlin

I used to hate needles with a passion, still don't like them to be honest...but I will behave as I definitely don't want to be on her bad side. And save the lollipop for the kiddos I'm more of a chocolate/baked good kinda guy anyway (not an innuendo I really like chocolate and cake/pie/muffins).