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When I was doing research and concept development for the piece. Off the clock  There was a possibility that Remi might have had her small blaster pistol drawn. Therefore I did some development art of possible small/pocket blaster pistols for the piece. 

     I didn't end up using them but I might in the future so I cleaned them up. They might be useful in some space opera/pulp piece. 




Very nice! I do kinda like the lower right one.

Ayumi Silverfox (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-06 09:23:22 Really neat designs & can guess some of the inspirations like possibly harlock/yamato for the 1st one. Really enjoy seeing these quite a bit :)
2021-12-06 00:55:54 Really neat designs & can guess some of the inspirations like possibly harlock/yamato for the 1st one. Really enjoy seeing these quite a bit :)

Really neat designs & can guess some of the inspirations like possibly harlock/yamato for the 1st one. Really enjoy seeing these quite a bit :)

Sky Shatter

It's a mystery how your brain invents this stuff. The rough outline, sure, I can grasp that, but you visualize all the little bits and bobs, too.


I guess the best way I can describe it is that I visualize the object in my hand. Then I start handling it and imagining how it would feel and weigh. Then begin trying use the object in my mind. How would I turn it on, and off, use it, maintain it, and if applicable carry it. Since all devices are a collection of strengths and compromises if I encounter and issue or less than desirable trait I will decide if I want to keep that or address it. Also at that time I will decide whether functionality will discarded for coolness or a particular look and feel to the object. The Rule of Cool. That varies on a case by case basis.