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This is a piece I'd laid out and finally got around to finishing. Awhile ago I had a series of dreams set in an Anthro MLP dreamscape. It was a sword and sorcery setting. So everything had a 1970s Boris Vallejo, Frank Franzetta, chainmail bikini vibe to it. 

     The last of the Mane Six I needed to finish was Rainbow Dash. Link Well now that's done. RD was member of the elite company called the Lightning Strike Archers. These were all pegasus archers who provided the main security over the Royal Palace and the city of Canterlot. 



Ayumi Silverfox

We all knew Rainbow Dash meant business but this pretty much puts paid to anyone doubting they could not also take care of business. Love the little knife scabbard on the waist quiver. Love the bracer being on the off hand arm too just so many little details on this one. Very nice Baron!


Always love the way you draw pegesi. Dash, Fleet, and Spits especially


You really can't see it but Dash is also using a thumb draw with a ring on her thumb.


Minimalist armor makes more sense for pegasi, as the lesser weight allows for more mobility and flight time. Aerial archers might be devastating tactically, as they tend to have the high "ground."


I've been playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla recently, and this makes me imagine Dash as a viking archer. She even looks a little like Eivor.


In the dreams many of the pegasi were of nomadic nature that wandered the skies of Equestria. RD and her family were once part such a tribe, clan, nations. However one time Royal Forces led by Luna rescued them when they were under attack. For this the act the tribe swore allegiance to the Crown, and were made part of the guard in charge of protecting the skies above Canterlot. As recognition for their unwavering loyalty they are permitted to continue wearing their traditional garments as their official uniform. Their barbarian splendor lends a certain exotic quality to the palace.


Would someone post the links for the remaining Mane Six? Following the provided link backwards only points to the artwork for Rarity and Zecora.


Actually I don't have to. You should see 5 tags at the bottom of the posting text. If you click the tag that says "sword and sorcery". If you click on that it should load all of the images you're interested in plus the other images related to that dream series.