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A commission for Peruserofpieces. There's a question that routinely comes up concerning my Equestria dreamscape. Since my ponies are much more realistic appearing than they are in show what does their downstairs gear look like and is generally visible since most ponies don't wear clothes. And when ponies do they wear clothes the garments often don't cover that part of the body. Well to answer the question is yes it is visible. However it's considered rude to stare, and since everyone's is normally visible it just becomes part of the environment.

     However for my postings I usually just eliminate that detail because if I didn't that all of my work would have to be labeled as Mature Content which would greatly restrict my audience and where and how I could post and sell my work. 

      But here's a picture of Fluttershy lying in bed taking an afternoon nap as the sun streams through the bedroom window. 




I cannot overstate just how much I love this piece, and how much I appreciate you doing it for me. She is such a perfect little angel here, and I love every part of her beautiful form. ❤️ I understand why you don’t do this kind of work often, but I secretly hope you might surprise us with more in this vein in the future sometime. As it stands, I am ecstatic to have this piece from you, as she is everything I was hoping for and then some. Thank you so very much for your work. 😊

Leo G.

Lovely. Thanks for the clarification.


As Peruser said, she's a perfect angel for sure. Amazing work as always! Frankly, outside of the occasional nsfw stream that you hold, I honestly never took much notice that certain 'details' are often left out of your work, Baron. And I mean that in the sense of 'your work is always amazing and rich in detail anyway so it never feels like anything is really missing'. :) That said, I totally understand the need to omit that stuff normally for professional reasons.


Thank you. Most folks haven't said anything or noticed it. At least they haven't commented on it. Still it is a question that has come up so I felt this piece was a good time to address the matter.


I concur! I’ve certainly never felt like anything was “missing” from Baron’s regular work either. Rather, I see this as a rare treat, to see a side of his ponies that doesn’t normally get to be seen.


Until I read the text I didn't really think anything of the "extra" not sure if that is good or bad. I totally get why certain details would be omitted and I am fine with it either way.


Actually the fact that it didn't stand out I consider to be a compliment to my drawing skills. When I was studying life drawing we were taught to view the model as a complete item, being, etc. If well done you'd just look at the piece and think. "Hey that's great drawing/painting! Love how they handled the lighting and composition of the figure! And the skin tones, hair and eyes have been beautifully rendered. Oh yeah and there nude." But the nudity was a very secondary thing.


As a slightly meta question, how do equestrian artists handle the issue? Presumably they're not subject to the same maturity pitfall, but on the other hoof, it is extra work and a detail most won't pay attention to, so...? The picture is a pleasant surprise. I always assumed you had your reasons why you usually don't draw that kind of thing, and its not always a good idea to ask about things artists don't want to draw. Though for her part, I'd assume Flutters would be more dismayed that she was drawn at all than any of the precise details...


When you say Equestrian Artists do you mean artists, other than me, that are creating art in the world of Equestria, or artist in our world that do realistic, accurate paintings and drawings of horses and ponies?


Artists in your dreamscape. IRL they usually just draw horses from the front :p


It is like many things with artist it's often handled either on a case by case basis or the personal preference of the artist.

Sky Shatter

Our long-running RP addresses the concept in the same way. "Mares and stallions all have their bits, and glimpses are inevitably caught by flicked tails and certain sitting positions, but they're taken in a similar regard as a woman's breasts in a deep v-neck. It's as acknowledged that they're there as the nose on your face, but it's offensive to stare and crass to comment on."