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The Stormtrooper triggered the low light mode of his helmet as he peered into the darkness of the corridor. He watched as the sensors of his helmet pushed the shadows further back down the dingy metal hallway. After a second he toggled his comm unit. 

     "XK227 to Unit Commander. XK227 to Unit Commander. Can you hear me? Over."

      All his headphone got in return was assorted squeals and hisses as the combination of being underground, metal corridors, and exposed power leads render his comm unit useless. 

      Muttering in frustration he continued peering down the hall. Every second he hesitated was another second the fugitive might succeed in evading capture. He knew he'd scored one solid blaster shot on the fugitive causing them to drop the small blaster pistol from their right hand as they fled into the maze-like series of corridors under the power station. Cursing and swearing as they sprinted away with a duffle bag slung over their left shoulder. 

     At the same time the trooper knew that going in alone without support of his squad was a recipe for disaster, but he'd been unable raise any of his comrades on the comm network. He weighed the chances of being disciplined for letting the fugitive escape; versus the chances of being disciplined for blatant violation of procedure. After a second he sighed.

     "Fortune often favors the bold and the brave." He muttered and then pressed on.  

     Several minutes, and deeper into the complex, the corridor he was following dead-ended into a modest size room. It's purpose seemed to be as an auxiliary storage room. Although most the contents in it were various pieces of industrial scrap. Cautiously the trooper entered the room. Methodically he swept every possible of hiding spot with the sights of his blaster carbine.  As he peered around one of the support pillars he spied the fugitive.

     She lying on the ground, leaning up against against a large shipper crate. Apparently she'd succumbed to her injuries and had eventually passed out. In process she'd collapsed and knocked various pieces of industrial refuse onto herself. Her head was flopped forward, and the trooper could see where his blaster shot had destroyed the right sleeve of her jacket. A nasty blaster burn was visible.

     Once again he toggled his comm unit. "XK227 to Unit Commander. XK227 to any squad member. Can you hear me damn it!" Hissing static was the only reply. 

     Cursing under his breath he advanced on the fugitive. All the while his blaster remained trained on the motionless suspect.  He sidestepped a little to the right as he attempted to peer around the piece of flimsy, lightweight shipping material that was splayed across the fugitive's legs and waist. Coming to a halt in front of them he they reached out with their left hand to knock the debris away. 

    Suddenly the fugitive's head snapped up as did her left arm flinging aside the lightweight shipping board. In her left hand was a huge blaster pistol. In one lightning fast motion Remi fired at the trooper's head. Her blaster shot caught the bottom left edge of the helmet and ripped it off his head and stunning the trooper. for an instant As this happened XK227 frantically grabbed his carbine with his left hand to bring his weapon's muzzle back to bear on the fugitive. However her blaster shot knocked his aim off and the shot went wild. 

    This a patron reward Skyline. Remi is his OC and this is the story that popped into my head as I drew the picture.

    FYI. This scene is not from any exact part of the Star Wars universe. Instead it draws inspiration from multiple elements from the property. 




That left a mark! I have two myself earned In Southeast Asia. Thats when they are too damn close.


She's got a RSKF-44 heavy blaster pistol! Same type Tobias Beckett uses in Solo. Very nice choice.


I fell in love with that double barreled blaster the moment I saw it.

Tim Chapel

Well, there goes my theory that she was using a real gun instead of those inferior blasters.