Out in the open (Patreon)
2016-09-19 22:08:09
2020-04-30 00:30:44
Dinner was an informal thing that evening in my Equestria dreamscape. Conversation was light and mundane since everyone knew the real discussion would come after dining. The table was quickly cleared and soon the dishes were washed and put away. With that task accomplished we all retired to the main room of the cottage.
Without any deliberation or discussion we all just settled on sitting in a square on the main rug. Petina and I in one corner. Rainbow Dash and Carousel in the other, for several seconds there was an awkward silence. Then in surprisingly gentle voice Petina spoke up.
“I think we will know why we're gathered here tonight, and if it we're going to make this work we're going to have be open and honest with each other.”
The white unicorn mare looked over at prismatic-maned pegasus. “Dash, for while our household has been pretty certain that you have had an interest in Brick here.”
She quickly raised a front hoof as RD began to speak, asking for her continued silence.
“Neither Carousel or I are accusing you of any nefarious plot to steal away Sky Brush, but now all three of us need hear from you a simple, clear declaration. Are asking to be in a relationship with Sky Brush? You do you understand what that means?”
Dash blushed and stared at the rug underneath her. She worried it with her front hoofs as she made several failed attempts to respond. Final she looked up. Stared me in the eyes and swallowed; then in a small voice she replied.
“Yes. Yes I am. But, but I am still confused about what I want or need. I, I, have found myself thinking about Brick a lot the last few months, and I like being with him and want to be with him more than I already am. And I have found myself thinking about him and thinking about doing things with him that I've never thought of before.”
RD looked across to Petina and then over at Carousel who sitting alongside her with a confused almost plaintive look.
“But, but then I watched you get out of your harness tonight Carousel, and suddenly I found my heart racing and thinking about the things that I've thought about Brick when I'm alone. Same when you are dancing Petina. I, I, feel this, this...”
The light cerulean blue mare threw her front hoofs up in the air then buried her head under them. “I don't know what I'm feeling or thinking! I've never felt this way before! I've never had thoughts like this before! Don't how to explain what I'm feeling. How can I be feeling this way about Brick and you two at the same time? I don't know what you should do?” She said from beneath her hoofs.
Carousel leaned over and gently nuzzled the back of Dash's neck and muzzle for several seconds them the palomino mare spoke.
“It's okay Dash. When you suddenly discover that you really care for somepony for the first time it can be very disorienting experience, and it is not unusual to sometimes find one's interest torn between multiple candidates.”
Carousel gently lifted Rd's chin with a front hoof and smiled at her. “But you only can decide on the course of action you want to take, and Petina and I understand and are willing to help you. But there is one very important voice that has not yet weighed in on this discussion. Perhaps the most important one here.”
Carousel looked me in the eyes. With surprisingly serious tone she spoke. “Sky Brush. Rainbow Dash has publicly expressed her interest in you. This mare has said she wishes to be relationship with you and wants you to be a part of her life. She's bared her heart to you. She awaits your reply. What do you say to this?”
Ever since the events at Hurricane's Column I had been to trying to rationalize, analyze, and decide whether I was willing to add another heart to list I already cared about. Could I honestly give her the attention and needs she deserved. Did I really have the same degree of interest in her that she had for me. Could I honestly do it. I closed my eyes and thought through my feelings for several seconds I said nothing. Then I opened them and looked at Dash.
“Yes.” I said. “So long as you understand RD that I'm already love two other mares and will not abandon them for you.” I felt Petina shift slightly and gently press her body against mine. I took that as being a silent thank you and her vote of encouragement. “I am willing to open my heart to you but it comes with these conditions and they are not open for negotiations at this time.”
I blushed a little then continued. “So Dash are you willing to have a middle-aged stallion in your life? Do you still want to fly close to me?”
Dash's face lit up and once again blush colored her cheeks as nodded her head. “Yes Brick. Yes I do! Um, so what happen next?”
Petina grinned. “Well several ideas leap into my mind, butttttt, I think it would be wise if you and took a more gradually course of action. One step at a time. You still have some questions in your mind. Although I think I already know the answers, but you need to discover them yourself.
“I recommend that first off you should get to know Brick better. You can learn about Carousel and I later. One step at a time. And if this relationship is going to work at all it has to be out in the open , or else the rumor mill will hound you two nonstop. If everypony knows up front what is going on they can't speculate and guess because they will already know!”
“So I propose that this weekend you two get to know each other better.”
“Um how do we do that?” Asked Dash with a confused look on her face. “I already work with Brick and I'm his flight instructor and we've been friends for over a year. How do I get to know him better?”
Dash can be very dense at times.
Petina face went blank. “Dash were you dropped on your head when you were a foal? Repeatedly? You know Brick, but now you're going to get to really know him when it is just you two being together. In public and alone. Because you want to be together?”
“So you want Brick and I to...”
“She wants us to go on a date Dash.” I said finishing her sentence.
“Yes.” Said Petina. “Go have dinner together, just you two. Spend the evening together, just you two.” Petina looked over and grinned at Carousel. “I think I speak for Carousel that our only condition we have is that you bring Brick back to us in one piece by noon on Sunday. So Dash you game?”
RD stared blankly at Petina. Then the mare's words percolated down into her mind and she blushed brightly as she realized what Petina was saying. She got this goofy grin and she nodded her head.
“Right. Um, yes I'm game!”
Petina gave her a proud smile and Carousel happily clopped her front hoofs on the floor. Petina continued imparting her wisdom on her new pupil.
“Now I would recommend that this shouldn't be an overly formal occasion. That has a tendency of ruining the mood. Makes ponies all nervous and squashes spontaneity, but still this should be a special occasion. So Saturday morning Dash you and I will have meeting at the Ponyville Spa for an appointment with Lotus and Aloe.
Petina looked over at Carousel. “Carousel dear I know you usually work the Saturday market, but can I ask you to help get Brick here in top shape for the big event? I figure you what needs to be done?”
Carousel grinned and nuzzled Dash's neck while she stared at me. “Oh, I'll get Brick all ready for his date. I think Dash will be quite happy with the results.”
RD's face turned couple shades of darker purple but she remained silent. Petina smiled. “Good! Then you two just need to decide where you're going to have dinner. Brick I recommend you make reservations tomorrow. It is traditional that the stallion pay for the first dinner. After the first one you two can fight over the bill! I think this going to be a lot of fun for you two!”
The rest of the evening was spent finalizing details. When it was over Petina and Carousel thought that this was a good plan.
Meanwhile in Canterlot someone's plan was falling apart.
To be continued.
Without any deliberation or discussion we all just settled on sitting in a square on the main rug. Petina and I in one corner. Rainbow Dash and Carousel in the other, for several seconds there was an awkward silence. Then in surprisingly gentle voice Petina spoke up.
“I think we will know why we're gathered here tonight, and if it we're going to make this work we're going to have be open and honest with each other.”
The white unicorn mare looked over at prismatic-maned pegasus. “Dash, for while our household has been pretty certain that you have had an interest in Brick here.”
She quickly raised a front hoof as RD began to speak, asking for her continued silence.
“Neither Carousel or I are accusing you of any nefarious plot to steal away Sky Brush, but now all three of us need hear from you a simple, clear declaration. Are asking to be in a relationship with Sky Brush? You do you understand what that means?”
Dash blushed and stared at the rug underneath her. She worried it with her front hoofs as she made several failed attempts to respond. Final she looked up. Stared me in the eyes and swallowed; then in a small voice she replied.
“Yes. Yes I am. But, but I am still confused about what I want or need. I, I, have found myself thinking about Brick a lot the last few months, and I like being with him and want to be with him more than I already am. And I have found myself thinking about him and thinking about doing things with him that I've never thought of before.”
RD looked across to Petina and then over at Carousel who sitting alongside her with a confused almost plaintive look.
“But, but then I watched you get out of your harness tonight Carousel, and suddenly I found my heart racing and thinking about the things that I've thought about Brick when I'm alone. Same when you are dancing Petina. I, I, feel this, this...”
The light cerulean blue mare threw her front hoofs up in the air then buried her head under them. “I don't know what I'm feeling or thinking! I've never felt this way before! I've never had thoughts like this before! Don't how to explain what I'm feeling. How can I be feeling this way about Brick and you two at the same time? I don't know what you should do?” She said from beneath her hoofs.
Carousel leaned over and gently nuzzled the back of Dash's neck and muzzle for several seconds them the palomino mare spoke.
“It's okay Dash. When you suddenly discover that you really care for somepony for the first time it can be very disorienting experience, and it is not unusual to sometimes find one's interest torn between multiple candidates.”
Carousel gently lifted Rd's chin with a front hoof and smiled at her. “But you only can decide on the course of action you want to take, and Petina and I understand and are willing to help you. But there is one very important voice that has not yet weighed in on this discussion. Perhaps the most important one here.”
Carousel looked me in the eyes. With surprisingly serious tone she spoke. “Sky Brush. Rainbow Dash has publicly expressed her interest in you. This mare has said she wishes to be relationship with you and wants you to be a part of her life. She's bared her heart to you. She awaits your reply. What do you say to this?”
Ever since the events at Hurricane's Column I had been to trying to rationalize, analyze, and decide whether I was willing to add another heart to list I already cared about. Could I honestly give her the attention and needs she deserved. Did I really have the same degree of interest in her that she had for me. Could I honestly do it. I closed my eyes and thought through my feelings for several seconds I said nothing. Then I opened them and looked at Dash.
“Yes.” I said. “So long as you understand RD that I'm already love two other mares and will not abandon them for you.” I felt Petina shift slightly and gently press her body against mine. I took that as being a silent thank you and her vote of encouragement. “I am willing to open my heart to you but it comes with these conditions and they are not open for negotiations at this time.”
I blushed a little then continued. “So Dash are you willing to have a middle-aged stallion in your life? Do you still want to fly close to me?”
Dash's face lit up and once again blush colored her cheeks as nodded her head. “Yes Brick. Yes I do! Um, so what happen next?”
Petina grinned. “Well several ideas leap into my mind, butttttt, I think it would be wise if you and took a more gradually course of action. One step at a time. You still have some questions in your mind. Although I think I already know the answers, but you need to discover them yourself.
“I recommend that first off you should get to know Brick better. You can learn about Carousel and I later. One step at a time. And if this relationship is going to work at all it has to be out in the open , or else the rumor mill will hound you two nonstop. If everypony knows up front what is going on they can't speculate and guess because they will already know!”
“So I propose that this weekend you two get to know each other better.”
“Um how do we do that?” Asked Dash with a confused look on her face. “I already work with Brick and I'm his flight instructor and we've been friends for over a year. How do I get to know him better?”
Dash can be very dense at times.
Petina face went blank. “Dash were you dropped on your head when you were a foal? Repeatedly? You know Brick, but now you're going to get to really know him when it is just you two being together. In public and alone. Because you want to be together?”
“So you want Brick and I to...”
“She wants us to go on a date Dash.” I said finishing her sentence.
“Yes.” Said Petina. “Go have dinner together, just you two. Spend the evening together, just you two.” Petina looked over and grinned at Carousel. “I think I speak for Carousel that our only condition we have is that you bring Brick back to us in one piece by noon on Sunday. So Dash you game?”
RD stared blankly at Petina. Then the mare's words percolated down into her mind and she blushed brightly as she realized what Petina was saying. She got this goofy grin and she nodded her head.
“Right. Um, yes I'm game!”
Petina gave her a proud smile and Carousel happily clopped her front hoofs on the floor. Petina continued imparting her wisdom on her new pupil.
“Now I would recommend that this shouldn't be an overly formal occasion. That has a tendency of ruining the mood. Makes ponies all nervous and squashes spontaneity, but still this should be a special occasion. So Saturday morning Dash you and I will have meeting at the Ponyville Spa for an appointment with Lotus and Aloe.
Petina looked over at Carousel. “Carousel dear I know you usually work the Saturday market, but can I ask you to help get Brick here in top shape for the big event? I figure you what needs to be done?”
Carousel grinned and nuzzled Dash's neck while she stared at me. “Oh, I'll get Brick all ready for his date. I think Dash will be quite happy with the results.”
RD's face turned couple shades of darker purple but she remained silent. Petina smiled. “Good! Then you two just need to decide where you're going to have dinner. Brick I recommend you make reservations tomorrow. It is traditional that the stallion pay for the first dinner. After the first one you two can fight over the bill! I think this going to be a lot of fun for you two!”
The rest of the evening was spent finalizing details. When it was over Petina and Carousel thought that this was a good plan.
Meanwhile in Canterlot someone's plan was falling apart.
To be continued.