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"See Bugz! See Bugz! We got fresh live See Bugz for sale! Sweet tasty See Bugz!"

    This is the first drawing I started during my most recent Picarto stream. The theme that evening was my 14th century, northeast African dreamscape of Andur. Recently the city-state of Andur has seen a major influx of fennecs into the city's population.

    While fennecs are originally semi-nomadic herders from the interior deserts they've adapted quickly to live in this bustling seaside city. This includes taking up new professions. Like fishing, and selling the fruits of their labors. In particular they've become very successful at setting traps to catch trilobites, which did not become extinct in this dreamscape, the fennecs call them Sea Bugs. Or See Bugz if you go with their spelling.  




Crunchy and salty. Yummy!


"Bug." -- My goldfish on bug.