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While Stone Mane observed Applebloom's lesson's in my Equestria dreamscape Link back in Baltimare Raindrop was practicing and thinking about hoofball and things. Lots of things.

     The pegasus filly perfectly executed another backflip kick that sent the hoofball rocketing into the wicker laundry basket that was resting on its side. She'd placed the basket on a old patio chair of similar wicker construction. With this simple arrangement Raindrop had been able to create a target area in the backyard of her parent's house that was roughly the size of the sweet spot in a hoofball goal zone.

     The bright pink and fuchsia maned filly couldn't wait until August came around and she turned 13. At that age she could try out for the school varsity hoofball team! Since she'd been a little filly Raindrop had been an avid about hoofball. She'd memorized the rulebook from cover to cover. She had numerous hoofball players cards and posters pinned to the walls of her bedroom. Much to the annoyance of her mother. She had a scrapbook full of newspaper clippings along with all the ticket stubs of every hoofball game she'd attended. She followed the Baltimare Bombarders with a zealous energy.

     But now this fall she'd finally be able play it. Not on some wimpy pee-wee league that little fillies and colts played in, but on a real varsity league team! She was positive that she'd make the team, but she wasn't taking any chances. Therefore she was practicing and working out everyday. In spite of the Baltimare heat and humidity she pushed herself more or more. She wanted to prove to coach Blue Mane she was worthy to be on the team, but more importantly she wanted to convince a particular colt.

     True Stone Mane was a gravity challenged earth pony, but out on the hoofball field he was absolutely amazing to watch. His ability to instinctively read the field and the players, and then be the right place at the right time was a joy to watch and study. The way he could go turn, stop, change speed and direction, all the while knowing where the ball and his teammates were was inspiring to behold. She could watch him trot, canter, and gallop all day.

     Originally Raindrop had planned on convincing Stone Mane to help her prepare for tryouts. Link She'd hope that he would've seen what a potentially awesome hoofball player she was, and he would've put in a good word for her with the coach. Also it would've given her a chance to practice with an existing member of the team. Him especially. That had been her hope.

     The filly scowled as she flew over and retrieved the ball from the basket. Instead he'd suddenly left Baltimare and taken a train halfway across Equestria to some farm town named Ponyville. Link To spend most of his summer with some farm filly named Applebloom. Sure this filly was the younger sisters of the Element of Honesty, and she was supposedly some student of Princess Luna.

     Apparently this Applebloom was talking to him in his dreams and was helping him cope with the loss of his parents, but if Stone Mane was having so many problem why hadn't he talked to ponies at school? She would've been willing to listen to him. Why had he never asked her?

     The pegasus clenched her jaw and started doing rear hoof kicks that kept the ball bouncing back and forth. All the while hovering off the ground. Then Raindrop had learned from Lily Dancer that this Applebloom might not even play or care about hoofball! Link Really? How far out in the sticks did this filly live that they didn't play hoofball? How could Stone Mane interested in anypony who didn't like hoofball? What was this Applebloom like? She probably one of those fluttering, constantly giggling, filly that wore frilly dresses. Raindrop knew that this filly supposedly wore some stupid red bow all the time because according to Lily Dancer the colt had mentioned it several times.  The filly growled. It was froufrou fillies like that who always seemed to look down on her in class.

     The filly's nostrils flared as she started alternating between bouncing the ball off all 4 of her hooves and the top of her head. But that made no sense? Stone Mane didn't like fillies like that. He usually rolled his eyes and groaned at that kind of stupid behavior. He would never make friends with a filly like that.

     Suddenly a horrible thought dawned to her. What if Lily Dancer was wrong. What if Applebloom was interested in Hoofball?  What if she was really good at it? What if she was a totally awesome player? A shiver ran through her. What if he'd gone to this Ponyville to see her workout and demonstrate her skills?

     Raindrop's mind plunged into irrational panic mode. Worse! What if he wanted her to come back to Baltimare and enroll in their school so she could be on the team? Was she old enough? There was only so many free slots on the team. Sure her family lived in that farm town, but what if Princess Luna signed some papers and stuff to let her study out-of-town. Could she do that? Of course she do that! She was princess! Princesses could do whatever they wanted!

     NO! Raindrop wouldn't let this filly take her chance to be on the team with Stone Mane. She'd known Stone Mane for years, and she was certain that if given a chance her and Stone Mane could develop some totally awesome moves together. The shivers vanished and in their place was a great fiery determination. SHE WOULD PROVE SHE WAS THE BEST PLAYER!

     Raindrop unleashed all of her rage and determination into the ball. In one ferocious, powerful kick she poured not just her muscle power but most of her own pegasus flight magic. The blow sent the ball rocketing toward its target; it punched clean through the wicker construction of the basket and the chair back. As a result the chair flipped and tumbled over several times before coming to rest under a chestnut tree. Raindrop glared at for a moment and then flew back inside. She was done practicing for today.

To be continued.



Sky Shatter

Wait... If she's kicking upwards, how did the ball go downwards? She'd have to be bringing her hind leg down, not up.


Don't piss off THAT pony.

Louis Richards

Which way was the ball coming from? Angle of incidence vs angle of reflectance, plus some spin and a hefty dose of flight magic. That ball could have gone ANYWHERE she wanted it to.


Mmmm. Jealousy. A prime takeover candidate for those who wish to see the Red Bow... hobbled. Anyone can be bought. You just need the right currency.


Fear and uncertainty can be very strong coin as well under these circumstances.


Yeah pegasus ponies can use their flight magic to give objects varied trajectories. Curves, spiraling, and various other deflection shots.


The main thing is that pegasus ponies can only use their flight magic to effect an object's trajectory and course for a limited distance away from them. After that the object travels in a purely ballistic arc.


So I see. She will either go down in a spectacular mess or truly rise to greatness