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Growing up in port city of Baltimare, Stone Mane was use to hearing the foreign tongues. Zebras and antelopes from the Southern Continent. Griffins from the coastal nations, and even on rare occasions stallions and mares from Saddle Arabia. But this afternoon in my Equestria dreamscape the colt encountered an utterly alien language to him. Fashion.

     It quickly became obvious that Rarity and her little sister were totally fluent in this cryptic, alien language, and even Applebloom and Scootaloo could make simple conversation in this foreign tongue. Stone Mane was utterly lost within 5 minutes of them discussing and arguing about various aspects of this and that. Besides he was still embarrassed about staring at Rarity as she'd been removing her boots. Link So for the most part the colt tried to remain silent and invisible.

     Sweetie orbited her friend who standing there with the final version of the dress on. This was the result of many, many redesigns, changes, and revisions. With a critical eye she judged her sister's labor.  "Rarity." The filly pointed at the back of the dress with a front hoof. "Why did you add so many additional pleats to the dress? It spoils the lines on the bustle.  Also they hide the awesome diaper pattern work you've done on the hemline sis."

     Rarity pursed her lips and peered over the red rims of her glasses at her sister. "Sweetie darling. Remember, the barn dance will be in the evening, and lighting is rather uneven and low in spots. In those conditions the pleats will provide additional surface excitement to ensemble."

     The mare stepped forward. "Also never underestimate what a sudden flash of color or pattern can do to the viewer. Fluttershy has taught me how butterflies often hide their most brilliant colors by closing their wings. Only flashing them open briefly to get maximum visual effect."

     With a raised front hoof the mare made a circular gesture. "Applebloom darling. Could be a dear and do a little twirl for my sister here?"

     The earth pony sighed softly but obediently reared up and as instructed twirled in place. Stone Mane watched as the dress flared and billowed out with her movement. He wasn't sure what the hay the 2 unicorns were arguing about, but the dress sure looked pretty on Applebloom.

     Rarity looked back at sister as if that demonstration was irrefutable evidence to her claim. "That's Sweetie dear is what I was talking about. Remember when dancers swap partners they do a twirl. Just like that. So these pleats and diapering will be billowing and displaying over and over again throughout the dance. It will be a quite mesmerizing sight if may say so."

     Sweetie's face scrunched up. "But Rarity! What about–"

     Applebloom rolled her eyes. "Sweetie. It's my dress, and yer sis here has put a whole heap of work inta it, and happy with it." The earth pony looked over at Rarity. "Thanks fer all yer hard work on these here threads. I reckon its time we squared up the bill fer all yer efforts."

     Stone Mane had to agree with Applebloom. She weas really cute in the dress.

     Stone Mane's attention then wandered back to the copy of the sport magazine that Scootaloo brought with her. Apparently her outfit for the dance was already taken care of. He was in the middle of an article when suddenly a shadow fell across him. Looking up he found Rarity, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle staring down at him. The mare had a very impish grin on her face. She looked at him for a moment and then spoke.

     "Stone Mane darling. It's come to my attention." She glanced over at Applebloom. "That you don't an outfit specifically for the Barn Dance. Would this be true dear?"

     Stone Mane looked at Rarity. "What's a Barn Dance anyways?"

     Rarity shook her head. "Why darling! The Summer Barn Dance is only one of the most important festivals in the social calendar around here! Only the Summer Sun Celebration, and County Fair are of greater significance during the summer! True it's not the Grand Galloping Gala, but it's event steeped in history and importance!"

     The colt nodded his head. "Okay. Good to know. I'll make sure to show up in my dress shirt with my bow tie and new spats then."

     The mare's face took on a look of alarm. "Dear! One does not just show up for the Summer Barn Dance. One must come dressed appropriately for the occasion! This must be addressed immediately to avoid any further faux-pas! Girls would you not agree?"

     Stone Mane realized that along with Rarity the 3 fillies were now staring at him very intently and his mouth was suddenly very dry. He tried to swallow and failed.


To be continued.



Dan Audrain

Cue ominous organ strike!

Dark Forge

I would say he needs to run buuuuut, I don't think he can turn around fast enough before they grabbed him and hauled him over for Rarity to start measuring.

Ayumi Silverfox

Not even seeing poor Stone Mane’s expression you can already imagine what it must be. An the looks Rarity, Applebloom, others are giving him is likely not helping much. xD