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A patron reward for Mephia Keibin. This is their OC unicorn character Courage Fire. Yes they have multiple fox tails. The pegasus mare is Starlight Twist. They're a research team. Courage is artificer and  enchantress.

      Starlight Twist is a magical researcher. At some point she lost a wing and had a prosthetic one made. It allows her limited flight and gliding capabilities. 

     Here they are examining a strange new amulet. Why does it look almost like something I've seen before. 



Ayumi Silverfox (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-26 03:31:41 Both of these OC’s have really interesting traits & love how you did the prosthetic wing design too.
2022-09-23 01:10:52 Both of these OC’s have really interesting traits & love how you did the prosthetic wing design too.

Both of these OC’s have really interesting traits & love how you did the prosthetic wing design too.


Well truth in advertising I just followed the pre-existing design for the wing.