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Back in July I meant to post some sketches of this and just forgot since  it occurred during Bronycon. However it happened again recently so I  figured I might as well get them done.

    Many of you are  familiar with my character Petina who originally appeared in my lucid  dreams as an 8.5" tall anthropomorphic white mouse Petina Bell but when I started having dreams in my Equestria dreamscape she soon appear there as a white unicorn mare. Petina Pony studies  Petina DePony talks to Petina DeMouse

     Now often before I entered into one of my dreamscapes I will first  end up in place in my mind that can best be described as a staging area.  Except for me the only character of mine who has ever appeared there is  Petina. In fact she often uses the location to goof around and  experiment with new forms and bodies. Oh McClaw! Suited up 

     Well one evening back in July I prepping for entry into the Equestria  dreamscape and the topic of being able to tell when I was asleep and  when I was awake came up again. It is the topic I've discussed with  Petina several times.

    Petina's usual explanation is this is  why I have dreams with anthropomorphic characters because it makes it  very easy to tell when I'm dreaming and when I'm not. As she put it.

    "Look. If you talking to an anthropomorphic mouse." That was the form she was in at the start of the conversation.

    She then changed form "Or a talking white unicorn." She was now a pony. "Or an anthropomorphic unicorn." Giddy Up! She changed form again. "Then you know you're dreaming.

     "But if I was human" She then changed into a platinum blonde, green  eyed human apparently without even realize it had happened at first, but  then she stopped and looked at herself. Looked over her shoulder at her  backside and then smiled.

    "I can make this work!" and then  she wandered off out of sight. That was the only time it happened until  this last Friday night when arrived at the staging area and found her in  human form again filling out a job application for Canterlot High.

    Go figure.



Major Matt Mason

That's going to make SexEd very, VERY interesting. ;)

Richard Westberry

Lovely piece of artwork, and Petina is at the top of the charts for adorible, but I have always felt that the prettiest faces are sometimes natures way of telling you danger!


Her class. How to do sexy AND make a profit 101.


Can't decide if I'd rather she taught sex ed, or gym...