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Although Celestia had specifically asked my household to try and put Twilight Sparkle's mind at ease. Now that we're all here . Apparently this did not prevent her from trolling the Element of Magic just a little bit.  Although I wonder if she expected Spike to read the letter or not.

I guess she needed to blow off a little steam since this will not be a fun week for her or Luna, as they finalize an agreement to permit the great dragon migration.




Dorian Inman

Oh... oh, my... That was definitely planned on our beloved Sun Princess' part. *hystreical laughter*

Major Matt Mason



Well Celestia has been trying to get Twilight to start being more accepting of certain concepts and ideas. I'm just not certain this is the most productive method?


Oh that is too funny. Twi just got burned by Sun butt.


I can see why Celestia is best pony in your dreamscape.


She knows how important her role is as leader of Equestria, but she doesn't let it smother her.


I see Celestia makes the same "to/too" error Baron does. :P Celestia probably knows this is one of Twilight's "buttons". I wonder how it will get pushed after Twi meets Flash Sentry?


With what you've shown us of the 'Deep Six' alternate universe, I'm curious if Deep Twilight is just as conservative? Given what RD and AJ get up to in that time-line and all...


For a queen she really has a great and wicked sense of humor! And poor Twilight needs to lighted up a bit and relax. Maybe she needs a few friends like Carousel and Skybrush!


Maybe she needs to get laid too!


Princess Celestia has been working to get Twilight to let her mane down a bit and it is starting to take effect. Just slowly, Very, very slowly.


Boy - does she have a really tough, uphill struggle.


Whats the old Chinese curse? "May you live in interesting times!"