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The two dragons that Celestia and Luna are dealing with in my Equestria dreamscape. They are two of the most powerful dragons in the world. 




Majestic...being late on purpose makes a point. They respect but they will not bow unconditionally. It's a matter of keeping face.

Eric Hinkle

They look fearsome and impressive.


People who deliberately make someone late just because they can really annoy me. Last one to do that to me left me waiting a full hour and a half. I flat left the office and went on my way. I told them if you cant manage your time I dont want to work with you. Funny part he called later and apologized.


Anything the size of a battleship is fearsome and impressive!


Minor delays are tolerable; people aren't clockwork. Major delays are insulting and disrespectful.


Not to a dragon.......they are making a point and trust Celestia.....she knows what they did it for. Not for us humans??? Yeah I hate to be kept waiting.