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This is part of brainstorming that came out yesterday's sketches including the Little Pip image. 

One of the main characters in the first story is Calamity who wears a rather uncommon weapon a battle saddle which is described as having two rifles mounted on either side of the pegasus. Beyond that I have not found too much physical description of setup.

This is not my final take on the idea; it is just me initially wanting to playing around with concept a bit. I may do more with it later. 




Good rendition. Functional. Allows flight without too much weight. I was thinking of a gravity feed on the ammo rather than rifle mags. A magazine feeding system on the top of the saddle about where the saddle would be.

Dorian Inman

That's pretty spot on. Clips were top mounted, bullets were spring feed while grenades and missiles were gravity feed. Calamity had built a custom reload into his, since he went solo mostly until teaming up with Pip and Velvet Remedy. Baron, i like your take on the trigger system. The origianl is a bit that fires by the user pulling the trigger with their tongue. Rather awkward... pistols are the same for non unicorns, hold the grip in your mouth and fire with tongue. The grip was also set 90 degrees off from normal.


The mouth triggers never made any sense to me so I ditched them. Besides the sensation of a weapon recoiling in your mouth would be very unpleasant!


I did go back and yes you're right about the magazine position. The authors never covered how he reloaded just he had a custom built. I don't see how practically. Top feeding magazines must be manually removed. A spring to eject the mag would only force the mag up leading to miss feeds. A manual ejection mechanism is possible but mags are something you want to keep around and not drop from 500 feet. Just saying:-)


I was envisioning a slide back and lock down arrangement for the magazines, but you wouldn't be doing fast tactical reloads with this system. Fortunately it is suppose to be a long range sharpshooter set up. Althought that begs to ask how he aims it?


Practice! The more you train the better you can aim. I do standing shots with no support with my M4 and hit 400 meters center with iron shot. My first round is down range in a just under half of a second. That is from front carry to shoulder. Center mass. I quick fire from the shoulder no sights and hit 100 meters. Hip shooting I do 25 meters easy. I got this way by hours on the range both military and police. In a competition I out shot our Ranger Tactical team. They claimed I was just good using EOtech. Thing was my battery died. It was all iron sights to their custom ACOG sightsXD

Dorian Inman

Not to mention dangerous if you were using a 12 guage, or a .50 rifle. Even a .44 revolver would singe your muzzle badly. Actually, check that. I believe people who don't know how to properly hold a pistol have lost thumbs with the .44, so you'd lose your nostril on the right side. Kkat stuck with right eye dominate so only a custom built would have been on the left.

Dorian Inman

Sorry if I'm spammy here. FO:E is a very well written story, imo, and I've read it three times so far, including Somber's extra chapter that Kkat approved between Pip and Homage. So I get overly excited. Especially since your weapons concept designs makes a bit more sense. I don't fault Kkat for not researching more into the weapons, she was basically taking what was in Fall Out 3 and ponified it. She was more interested in the story than the mechanics. (going to hush up now)


Not to mention the recoil. Everyone fell in love with the 44mag till they shot it. Most ended up back in the boxXD! Never seen one loose an appendage but have seen a few wrist sprains, dislocations, whacks on the forehead. On big rifles I have seen even worse! The 577 Trex rifle for one. Great video out there on that cannon. At the rifle butt it generates over 200 pounds of impact. One of the largest rifles I have fired was the Lathi 20mm anti-tank rifle. It was an experience. The sharpest kick that stung worse was the 300 WinMag. It kicked like the Lathi......straight back! The Lathi was very heavy compared to the Winchester bolt action. But you get accustomed to recoil from exposure to it. 12ga slugs are the best close range man stoppers in my book. 1.5oz of metal at 1400 fps. 200 yard still over 1000 fps. Just NO mouth firing!!!!


Tech design wasn't point when she set out to write FO:E she wanted to focus on character and world design which was for the best. Play to your strengths; in fact I think it was smart that she was deliberately vague about some of tech design since it wasn't her strong suit.


Oh I agree with you. Tech was not as important as character. We tech weapon specialists like me just love to see if we can develop tech that works. I thought of a way to reload the mags using a rotating type system that could remove an empty mag and replace it with a full mag but keep the mag without dropping it. Operated from his gun controls in conjunction with the charging handle. Calamity was a tinker and looked for ways to improve giving him freedom to roam. I feel the original design made it necessary for the Pegasus to rely on a ground crew to service their weapons. So it would keep them close and under control. And your not spammy. It's good conversation!!!

Dorian Inman

That was my thoughts as well, at least it would better explain exactly why the Conclave just left like that, other than the "official" statement the leaders made. (which I can't rightly remember since I have both FO:E and FO:E Project Horizons mixed up in my head) I wonder how magazines you could do in that kind of system. And would it be dependent on ammo type to limit reloads? I mean a 9mm is smaller than a 308 in length, so a narrower mag could be laid back without taking up much room. A 308, the usual standard for sharpshooters, would have roughly twice the length making it stick up further when laid back. (Sorry for the delay, I missed y'all replied.)