Apple Spider (Patreon)
2023-03-28 02:06:33
2023-03-28 02:07:39
Today while working on art projects, I was chatting with Spiderweber today on Discord we started discussing Applebloom and interactions with her shadow servant.
In particular the time she used her own shadow and her shadow servant to appear as a giant black spider. Link Spiderweber made the comment about maybe drawing her as an actual Drider.
Well we chatted about this bit and I went back to work. About 30 minutes later a very grumpy Petina popped in my mind with this image and the following comment.
"I swear to god if she pops up around Ponyville looking like this you're sleeping on the sofa for a month!"
So here's Applebloom as a drider pony. Enjoy. Because Petina isn't.