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The other fillies screamed as the lumbering horror slowly emerged from  the mist. Between them and the monster floated a lone figure with large  scythe in her front right hoof. She looked up at abomination and sighed.

     "Well I best take care of this here thing as quickly as possible  since I'll be needing ta get up soon fer school. Don't wanna be late fer  my book report!"

Another surreal moment for what will become Applebloom's  world in my Equestria dreamscape.

If  you want to buy this piece it is for sale $60.00 USD plus shipping.  California residents pay sales tax. Send me a note if you're interested.  



Dorian Inman

*Whistles softly* That's impressive... And yeah, thanks for the nightmare fuel with the critter. XD (Just gonna add that AB sure does have a nice flank here.)


Little Bloom is probably going to be a very attractive mare in that athletic sense when is gets older.

Dorian Inman

I agree. I imagine Sweetie Belle is going to grow into a lithe beauty like Rarity. I just wonder about Scootaloo, she's graceful and athletic. Perhaps she'll be the Grace Jones of Equestria.