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After giving me some good-natured ribbing over my choice of subjects for  cloud sculpting  in my Equestria dreamscape, Rainbow Dash finally got around  to telling me the reason she'd been looking for me. She was going to be spending the tonight at our place. Apparently she'd already gotten the green light from the other mares so she was letting me know now. Of course the next question out of her mouth was. 

"So what's for dinner tonight?" RD had been very upfront when we'd been discussing making her a part of household that she considered my cooking to be a contributing factor in her decision to become a satellite member of our household. 

So after putting her two bits in for what she thought would be awesome for dinner she headed off to finish some work related paperwork, and I was left in peace and quiet to finish my cloud sculptures. 

After a quick flight into town to pick up supplies for the evening meal I found myself turning into the wind to land at our little cottage. Even before I touched down I could hear the sound of gramophone music coming from our little barn. With a smile on my face I trotted through one of the open barn doors. 

Inside Rainbow Dash, Carousel, and Petina were taking turns practicing on the dance pole that had been originally erected to train Dash for the Best Young Fliers Competition, and while RD had learned pole dancing specifically for the competition she'd found it a fun and challenging form of exercise and she had made it clear that she wanted to continue practicing it after the competition.

In fact there had been several moves that she'd wanted to learn but since they weren't part of her routine, Petina and Carousel had held off teaching her them until after the contest so she could stay focused on preparing for her performance. With Dash's performance behind her now the two mare were more than happy to instruct her on further aspects of the art. 

To be continued.

FYI. These images will be going up for sale on the SmudgeMarks and EngelWerks  online store in a couple weeks as a pair of sketch studies. Also there is more art being loaded on a weekly basis. So check it out!   



Dorian Inman

I never knew a mare could bend like that. :0 Good to see pole dancing is picking up more as exercise. So many just see it as just erotica.


Oddly, This fits into an OC I had on a Fallout EQ game. WingShow, a very Rainbow-y pegasus who was a pole dancer at a strip club. Sept she used costumes with the pole dancing.


Good training for flexibility and balance. Helps in flight orientation.

Richard Westberry

I was just wondering how many G's that Rainbow Dash can pull?


Lots more than humans can safely pull, but that is true of pegasi in general. I can do maneuvers in my dreamscape that would leave me a puking wreck.


Most mare in Equestria are very, very limber. Especially pegasus mares.


The next entertainment fad: pole dancing. Traveling performers will want poles they can set up, take down, and carry with them.