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 For the second time that evening Broken Beaker's senses were stunned as another explosion tore through his apartment in my Equestria dreamscape. Having dropped behind the sofa he hadn't seen the grenade  detonate but he was positive that he'd taken the unicorn mare out since it had to have gone off in her face.  

  Scrambling across the floor as quickly as he could in his bound state he made for his desk. In the bottom right drawer was a knife that would make short order of the rope binding is back legs. Also in the desk was standard handcuff key and key that just might work on this inhibitor ring on his horn. Finally there were three more explosive devices stashed in the desk. He still had two mares to deal with. 

  By some miracle the kerosene lantern had not been destroyed by the blast and through the clouds of plaster dust and debris it still provided some murky illumination. 

  The stallion yanked the bottom drawer open and grabbed the sheath knife with his shackled front hoofs. Biting down on the end of the leather sheath with his front teeth he drew the blade. In two quick swipes he'd sliced through the rope binding his lower leg. Dropping the knife he decided to attack the shackles next. He wanted to be able to use his horn, but needed his front hoofs free first to remove the inhibitor ring. Besides he'd have better luck hurling explosives with his front hoofs free.  

  From the other room he could hear the other two mares. 

  “Phoenix! Phoenix! Can you hear me? Are you alright?” That sounded like the pegasus Blood Feathers. So the shooter was still standing. 

  “Phoenix.” Said the deadpan earth pony. “Phoenix can you speak? Can you see the suspect?”

  Broken Beaker had seen how fast and strong that mare was. She was a dangerous foe. Good thing he'd taken out the unicorn. The deck was still very much stacked against him. Spying the key ring he was seeking, he grabbed the ring with his teeth. After a second or so fumbling he got the key he needed in position. With his eyes focused on guiding the key into the keyhole so did not see the figure slowly walking toward him until their shadow fell across him. Looking up he dropped the key ring and screamed. 

  Standing over him was the unicorn mare, or what was left of her because she was now a thing of nightmares. Apparently her force shield had only protected the right side of her body from the explosion. The force of the detonation had torn the left side of her face clean off. Along with her face the grenade had torn the skin off of much left front leg and the left side of her barrel.  Amazingly her goggles remained unbroken in spite of the violence that had been inflicted on her body. 

  For several seconds she stared down at him. Then she levitated her goggles up from her eyes. She stared at him with eyes the color of frozen meat. With a slurred voice caused by missing half of her lips so spoke softly. 

  “Yu shuldn't huv dun tat.” 

  Suddenly the stallion felt her levitation grab and hurl him across the room into the opposite wall. Broken Beaker felt the wind knocked from his lungs and his ribs creaked against the onslaught. Collapsing to the floor he watched as the nightmare slowly walked toward him. 

  “Why, why are you still alive?” he said with a weak voice. Phoenix stopped in front of him and slowly lowered her ruined face until her bloody muzzle was touching his. Violence radiated from her very existence. In a hissing voice she replied. 

  “What you should be wondering is why you are still alive? You sad, little excuse for a pony! It takes more than your pathetic little fireworks to kill the likes of me! I've had far worse and will endure far more before my time is over in this world! There's a reason I'm called Phoenix!”

  As Broken Beaker watched in horror he could see the tissue regrowing on the mare's face. Already new muscle tissue was forming the flesh and skin that had been missing from her face just a few seconds ago. Her speech was already no longer slurred as new lips flowed and joined the existing tissue. 

  At this moment Quick Silver and Blood Feather charged back into the room. The earth pony had a couple of minor shrapnel wounds in her haunches but seemed to unfazed by it. The pegasus mare looked like she'd lost a fight with a tornado. Her feathers were a disheveled mess from the rough handling she'd received a few seconds before, but her eyes were alert and she kept one of her legs guns aimed at the stallion. She took a look at Phoenix and grimaced. 

  “Ouch! Well Phoenix that new tissue will mean that several of your older scars will be gone now! How you doing mare friend?” 

  “I'll live. I always live.” Her stare never left Broken Beaker. “But we need to move now. That last detonation destroyed my silence bubble and the constable will be coming by soon on their patrol. We'll deal." She looked at the stallion. "With this thing once we're clear of here!”

  Quick Silver nodded her head. “Yes it is unwise to remain here. Blood Feather go and signal the carriage have it brought around to the side exit. Phoenix you have two minutes to find anything of interest in that desk.”

  Then she looked at the stallion. “We will be leaving in few minutes and you will be accompanying us. You can choose to walk out with us, or we can levitate you out of here with four broken legs. Your call.”

  “Look, look, I don't know who your employer is but I'll pay double their wage if you let me go!” Said the stallion in desperation. “Are you working the Black Hoof family? The Blood Manes? I'm just unicorn who makes wards and trade things with ponies. I don't know why or what they are used for. Believe me!”

  Phoenix gave the stallion a ghoulish smile. “You foolish pony. We can't be bribed and we don't swear loyalty to any crime herd. We have but one mistress and that is the very pony who's ruled this kingdom for over a thousand years. I recommend you avoid saying anything that embarrassing when you are brought before her for questioning. She'll have lots, and lots of questions, and you would be wise to answer every single one of them as best as you can! Understood?”

  Suddenly Broken Beaker realized how much trouble he was in. Slowly he nodded his head. 

 To be continued.   




Ouch!!! Poor Phoenix. Eyup that was a serious lesson in keeping up your guard!!


Hard lesson. The most amazing about thing Phoenix is after you learn about her background, it's miracle that she can function at all in any type of 'normal' society.


Considering she just had a grenade go off in her face, survive it, regenerate, and still be functioning? I believe it. The story behind those scars must be anything but pleasant.


Phoenix's collection of scars are an ever changing collection marks as result of her service to Celestia and the crown. However there are still from her younger years.


WOW! Was not expecting that. Poor Phoenix.


Phoenix's tale is a very tragic one, but at least Celestia has given her a sense of purpose.


Phoenix reminds me of a Fallout Equestria -Project Horizons character, Rampage. She could never die, even a full incineration would hurt like heck but should would regenerate. Though for her, she came back as a filly for that much damage done. I prefer the way your Phoenix scars and re-scars from her regeneration.

McClaw (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-01 23:58:31 私も7月の終わりに一家全員同時に掛かりました♨︎ 両親は3回摂取済みで大体Haruhiskyさんと同じ症状でしたが 2回摂取で3回目サボってた私は39度の熱続きに布団とトイレを数分おきに行き来して冷や汗が止まらないレベルの腹痛と激しい咳の症状その後2週間完全に無味無臭になる味覚嗅覚障害 今の薬で抑制出来ない咳が続いております。 多分ですが咳の後遺症は万人共通かと思います。他にも色々あると思いますが、どうかお大事に
2017-03-04 22:29:21 "Troll blood -- it does a body good."

"Troll blood -- it does a body good."


In many ways she is, but she's utterly devoted and loyal to Celestia and the realm.


That's cool. She would make for a very deadly enemy!