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Fire Captain Three Alarm gave the room one last looking over then he shook his head. In all his years in the Ponyville Fire Department he'd never seen such a...surreal situation. Making sure all of his team had left the classroom he stepped out of the schoolhouse. 

     Outside the schoolhouse the students were standing around in little clusters talking to themselves. Along with the students their sizeable crowd of parents, fire volunteers, and curious onlookers. His team was carefully rolling up the hoses and stowing them back on the engine which was still chugging away in the schoolyard. 

     Three Alarm looked around and spied School Mistress Cheerilee. The mare was standing  watching the events unfolded. At her side stood apparent the ignition source of today's chaos. CMC nervously stood there. It was obvious they wanted to be anywhere than standing next to the earth pony mare.

      The earth pony stallion walked up to school mistress and rubbed his chin. "Well Ma'am. The fire is out. Fortunately it didn't spread too much. I'll send you and City Hall our report giving my input on the unusual." He glanced over at the fillies. "The unusual circumstances surrounding today's events. Good day." Then he turned around and walked away. 

      Cheerilee watched Three Alarm walk away then she turned and addressed the fillies. Crossing her arms she looked down at them and spoke.

      "Girls. I believe you when you say you're sorry, but still I need to understand something. How did you set schoolhouse on fire by accidentally breaking one of the windows with a jawbreaker you shot out of a slingshot?"

       Applebloom fidgeted back and forth. "Wwwweeellll Miss Cheerilee ya see...."

       This is one of the drawings I started during our most recent Picarto stream. The theme that evening was back-to-school, and this is the story that popped into my head as I was drawing it. 





Only CMC are capable of chaos that even Discord would applaud


Why am I suddenly feeling that Van Halen song, Hot for Teacher?

Louis Richards

It's Celestia's fault! A once in a lifetime shot, as the glass broke it formed a perfect lens that concentrated the sunlight to a single point and started the fire. Yep. All Celestia's fault. :D


the CMC STRIKE AGAIN! INDEED, Indeed, Discord would truly be proud! 'Axe