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Well, today I got a bit of bad news when I went to the post office. Up to this point when shipping international I have used First Class International to ship art to clients outside the US. It has offered the best combination of value and speed. 

     However when I went to ship a package to the United Kingdom today I was informed that packages like I've routinely shipped internationally as recently as last week were no longer covered under First Class International. Now they could only be shipped via Priority Mail International. 

     This was no small deal. Previously what had been $35.00+ USD shipping expense has jumped to over $72.00USD. This has over doubled the cost of shipping. 

      As a general rule I have covered shipping for Patreon patrons as a way of saying thank you for your support. However this will not be something I will be able to do for International patrons in the future since depending on the value of the package it can easily jump over $100+ USD now. 

      Domestic Priority Mail doesn't appear to have changed much, but I will be keeping an eye on this in the future. 




Completely understandable Everyone is raising prices nowadays...


Aww fan mail!


That sucks