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A moment from my anthro MLP dreamscape.  Once again Thunderlane finds himself having undergone a Poison Joke/R63 potion transformation. Link 

    Just like the first time Thunderlane lost a bet with Fleetfoot. You'd think they would've learned not to make bets with Fleetfoot. But no. Also if Thunderlane should really remember lock their bedroom door before drinking the potion and putting on the outfit Fleetfoot gave them. Especially if their younger brother Rumble is home. 





Stone Mane’s not the only one who thinks zippers are amazing. 😋


Feels like he's wearing nothin' at all, nothin' at all, nothin' at all...

Drew Maxwell

Someone's itchin' for a spanking. That, or a similar potion mixed in their breakfast cereal so they go to school not even realizing they changed.


I'm thinking Thunderlane is starting to like it ;)