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2:30 it's such a grey area tbh but i'm conflicted on this bc while i understand the people dealing aren't necessarily "good" (although most of them really just grew up in this environment and had no choice if they wanted to survive, unfortunately), it doesn't change the fact that the police's job is supposed to be "to serve and protect" and idk if i agree with them using violence just bc they have the power -- just bc they're the police -- BUT of course, it is different when they use violence bc they don't have any other choice bc the other person really just won't cooperate. i just hope it's not something they do "just cause", yknow? 10:15 LOL i knew you would comment on this. 🤣 to me, Avon and Stringer always had an interesting dynamic and you could see just how out of place Avon was (like just the fact that he wouldn't even put that hat on while the workers think it's part of the job) in something like this while Stringer can easily put on a facade and blend in. it's so interesting. 1:20:49 SUCH A GOOD LINE FROM AVON. Avon's already one of my favorites in the show, but if i didn't respect him already, this moment would have done it. :') and i'm glad it got to you too!


“He a man today…he a man” One of my favorite scenes


The difference between Season 1 & Season 3 is in the beginning Avon & Stringer personalities were kinda hidden in the 1st Season so we didn’t really know them at all, and Now you can see how different there personalities are and how they are NOT on the same page as friends & partners


I think of every recurring character who never earns a place in the main credits, Slim Charles (the really tall guy) is my favorite after Prop Joe. He fits into his role really well


Let it be known that tonight I was picking up a 6 pack of beer and I turn around and who is waiting for the freezer I’m using but Sonja Sohn (Kima).


A wonderful reaction like always! You're so insightful in your analysis of what's going on, and I can't wait until you come across some of the things you believe might happen down the road :) Also, I remember you say you're not good with names, so you're all excused, but D'Angelo's mom is Brianna, you keep calling her Donna. Donnette is the name of his ex, who's now with Stringer.

Tyrone Tyrone

Bunk talking to Omar is what every old man want's to say to younger men🙌

Tyrone Tyrone

Your hatred Stringer is wrong. He has been trying to move himself and his friend/brother away from all the killing and into a safer and better life. It's like Prop Joe said no need for all the killing just buy for a dollar and sell for two.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

“They ain’t workin with the ammunition I got” Cuts to a shot of Chris & Snoop. Perfect. Just perfect.

Tyrone Tyrone

Stringer wasn't trying to buy Marlo he was trying to educate him. Marlo is a psychopath who just wants to hear his name ring out.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

He was trying to buy him. He was trying to get him involved with the co-op, which is all about money. People like Marlo & Avon care more about the streets perception of them than how much money they’re actually making, unlike people like Stringer & Prop Joe.

Tyrone Tyrone

People like Marlo & Avon care more about the streets perception of them than how much money they’re actually making, unlike people like Stringer & Prop Joe. 🤔🤯Damn good point. I bow to your insight.👍